
Thursday, June 6, 2024



Millions believe everything they say
even after someone like Beck admits 
to being an “off the wall rodeo clown."  

AJ got sued by Sandy Hook parents for 
saying the Sandy Hook massacre was faked by 
“crisis actors” so the “deep state” could 
find a reason to ban AR-15’s and *freedumb.* 
Stupider the better.  Repeat until familiar.

Before *ucker Carlson, there was Bill O’Reilly 
with big ratings.  Before him it was Glenn 
Beck as the Fox “News” highest rated host.  

Beck became a Mormon convert.  
His old sponsor, Goldline sold gold 
and gold coins aka Mormon “dream mines.”
A tradition going back to Mormon founder 
and “sharpster” Joseph Smith. 

Years ago after yelling “stop the hate” 
on air Beck would immediately launch 
another hypnotizing con-vincing con-artist 
diatribe designed to get militia trigger 
fingers twitching, engaged and enraged.  

By calling Obama a “radical socialist” or 
breaking out in crocodile tears, crying 
for the state of his country under "tyrant" 

The late Steve Jobs, took all Apple 
advertising off Fox "News" after hearing 
Beck seriously call President Obama a 
racist against all “whiteness and Christianity.” 
Beck was years ahead of the J6 Republican 
Q “chosen few” of today. 

Selling gold is also an excellent 
way to launder money.  Goldline 
was investigated and forced to 
"refund" (not fined of course) 
millions of dollars to its customers.
For guys like Beck this was merely 
annoying cost of doing business. 

Beck at one point had a spray-
can painted yellow gold coin/ halo 
on top of his old grey crewcut.  
Because of his clean living Mormon 
Later Day Sainthood, this comical 
hint of a sprayed on halo/ gold coin
was supposed to be a living advert 
for his “truth,” his “process,” his grift, 
his religion and his old sponsor, Goldline. 

The only one who had the nerve to 
call Beck out on it was his guest on one 
show, Anderson Cooper.  This was 
after Beck asked Cooper how much 
he made at CNN.  Cooper pointed
at Beck’s head and said, “what’s that?”

(DJT in 2015-16 campaign mode: 
Spray tanned his face clementine orange.  
Hair and eyebrows golden-boy Aryan 
strawberry blonde to cover the pale sleepless
Adderall look.  Hanging out with pro-athletes 
has its advantages when it comes to cycling 
on and off enhancement drugs)

Glenn Beck is rich, lived or is living in Texas 
and made his Alamo last stand against the 
invading “Obama Jade Helm hordes” at the 
gates of freedom.  If not Glenn Beck, who?
Who among us would stand with him? 

Not me.  Beck was nowhere to be seen 
in DC on Jan. 6, 2021.  He has that much 
going for him.

*ucker Carlson’s son was in DC on J6
doing first hand reporting to dad.  Hopefully
also saying too much ‘in the “excitement” 
and rioting mass psychosis of the moment.

Beck, after decades on radio and TV and 
having had all real and imagined ailments 
suffered publicly, just turned 60. 

Alex Jones has been around forever.  
He’s only 50, having made it this far 
because of his born again Christianity 
and advertised vitamins.  ‘Hey’ll, that 
there Nano Silver with Ivermectin can't 
hurt cha none, right?’  

You can take the conman out of Texas, 
but you can't take the con out of the man.  
Both *vcker, Beck and Jones are likely 
on the sanity spectrum with differing
backgrounds, stim drugs and hair dye.  

Manufacturing doubt about everything 
including reality itself.  With enough $ 
to supply their own version when convenient.  

Enough said about something that, 
like Seinfeld, really is about nothing.

Monday, June 3, 2024





Tall people do not usually qualify for mention.  
I'm six foot and not considered short or tall.  
Each generation gets taller.

Long ago I briefly spoke to a woman 
at the Chelsea Market in NYC probably 
in her 70's, easily over 6' 4" who I was almost
sure was likely the mother of another…

…woman of average height mentioned 
elsewhere in this blog.  Whose son I saw
in a LES drinking establishment with my
family’s name out-front.  How possible?
Not another coincidence. . 

The grandmother was the only one I’ve 
ever spoken to in that age group and of 
that height which means it happens and who cares?   

And it will be said, "well, of course tall 
people stand out and are noticed and so what?"

I stood between two 6’ 8” blonde women in the 
Columbus Circle Whole Foods on the day I got 
my second Covid-19 Moderna vaccine.  Right 
after that I spoke with two 6’ Italian brunettes 
across the street who saw my vax button and 
proclaimed, “Jesus is our vaccine.”  I didn’t 
laugh or stare but they stuck out their jaws as 
if pulling my leg. 

The "whatever you do don't stare" Han Solo 
warning showed up in several separate Star Wars 
movies that occurred just before Solo and company entered the Star Wars Intergalactic “Maz Cantina.” 

Was this the movie zeitgeist hinting of what was 
to come?  Not to a galaxy far far away, but as 
normalized extremes of our earth based everyday? 

* “2140 New York” by one of Obama’s favorite 
writers, Kim Stanley Robinson.  The beginning 
takes place on 23rd St, NYC with the Metropolitan
Life tower (now owned by Abu Dhabi Investment 
Authority.  Permanently closed?) of the book was upgraded to residential bunkbed co-op via credit 
default swaps, with sky bridges overlooking a 
flooded Manhattan up to the Bronx. 

*The distressed holes in the jeans effect 
are like the beginning of Salman Rushdie's, 
“Midnight's Children” where a village female 
in India attracts her man by wearing a sheet 
with all the main areas covered but with holes 
everywhere else.  Rushdie is still with us 
after a Muslim extremist attempted fatwah.

* Beards and man-buns growing in opposite 
directions, half mast soggy bottom sweatpants. 

* Deliberate blindside bumping in stores or on 
near empty sidewalks…

* Amplified 6’ 4” white guys walking super 
aggressively and jumping out of 23rd St hotel 
lobbies, inches from my stride daring me to 
step on the backs of sneakers/ shoes.  Which I did 
the last time it happened.  

* In a neighborhood which used to be loaded 
with gyms, Adderal, AAS roids, meth, Evening 
Star temperance ladies, LDS, JW, Masonic
cosplaying gay guys (pretending “sincere” 
attraction to skin tags in the corners of my eyes). 

* Or paying fake sneaker complements on subway platforms before pretending to threaten me with
a dental pick.   Guy had a large “J” tattoo on the 
back of his hand.  Weeks later I get a hand written 
note from the Jehovah Witnesses with a nearby 
return address.  I tore it up w/o reading.  After 
viewing a few YT videos by ex-JW adherents.  

* Falun Gong, Epoch Times, Black Hebrews 
and an original 1870’s Freemason Lodge right 
across the street from where a lot of weird stuff 
happens.  Including events the night after J6, 2021.
No Jim Carrey Masonic *Illuminutty* David Icke
jokes needed.  Dark humor reality is bad *enuff.*

* The latter groups are known for trying to mix 
in with everyday proles.  Townhouse Jehovas 
Witness Bethel is a few blocks away.  With new “worldly” gold letter “Kingdom Hall” facade.  
No windows.  For good reasons after recent 
Pennsylvania Elder sex scandals.  LDS Mormon’s 
sold their Chelsea townhouse?  To a psychiatrist?

* For a couple of years too many cosplay guys 
and women took on deliberately fake coded 
imposter vocal fry, ‘mission control’ speech 
patterns.  Online and off.

* much worse than Elizabeth Holmes: 
Born in 1984, serious researcher Holmes attracted 
many Republican investors, Henry Kissinger, 
George Shultz, Schultz’s son, General Mattis, 
Betsey DeVos, Ruppert Murdoch.

Saw Holmes in Mad Sq Park years ago.  
Recognizable and forgettable.  Now serving 
humanity in prison.  Her planned pregnancies 
didn’t get her off.  Liz to be pardon by Trump?  
Along with J6 prisoners?  Ed Snowden?  If 
Republicans win in 2024. 

* CVS, Rite Aid, Duane Reed drug stores replaced 
by liquor and juul smoke shops. In what used to be 
the densest residential, employment area in NYC.  

As if awaiting Republicans to come charging 
over the hill to rescue “women’s and chillins” 
from smoke shop kratum and legal strong weed etc.

* I wouldn’t know one drug from another.  
I don’t smoke anything, no prescriptions, 
aspirin, much less ordering anything except 
boring internet vitamins. 

* MCT oil + collagen peptides + ghee in coffee 
are the only non-inflammatory combinations 
that relieved, not cure, my lifelong mild asthma.  
No more preventative or emergency sprays.   
Nothing psychosomatic.  

My Asian PC MD’s only prescriptions were 
sprays.  He pretended professional insult when 
I told him I only used the preventative and 
emergency sprays a few times a year.  Now
reduced to zero times a year.  

No Walmart/ Costco vitamins, no smoke shop 
or Fox News CBD gummies or kratom.  These 
days I don’t mix the grain and the grape.  Covid
blood clots on my foot complicated everything 
big time. 

* Things were moving toward the stable end of 
the continuum in 2015 and then came Trump 
chaos and the 2020 COVID-19 disaster made 
worse by deliberate Trump Kushner inaction/ 
sabotage exceeding typical Republican 2005 
Katrina ineptitude.  

* Signaling what?  Any description of extremes 
like these can easily be dismissed as subjective 
mood swings and sour grape depressive 
projections.  None of those come close. 

* Deliberately toxic and nasty women?  
Or the extreme opposite as in, “Yes sir, 
you're the boss, anything you say.”  Which 
cycles into its opposite mode.  

Reflective of nothing in particular:
* Loud nearby conversations in food halls either 
in gibberish Engmush or like Ben Shapiro robo
language software modules in adderall fast-forward. 
No auditory HAL-lucination needed. 

* For too long, lots of "Dios De Los Muertos" 
cartel skull tattoos and clothing designs were
worn on the street apart from Halloween.

* Occasional "dead air" effects apart from air 
sucked out of the ear during a medical ear exam.  

Or Maxwell Smart’s "Cone of Silence.” 

* With certain females the opposite occurred.  
A sharp zero point of focus in the brain. 
(“It’s all about you.”  No GORT robot girl, 
stop talking to your non-self) 

* Like a brief “cerebral spinal flush” when 
internal house lights briefly switched on.  With 
a split second internal image of a huge grasshopper.

* whether sober, drunk or super drunk, I never
have and never will physically act out or verbally
dramatize.  Even after making it super 
convenient for a few “providers” to show who 
and what they are by stating otherwise in 
permanent medical records.  They lied the 
first time and doubled down the last time.

* In fall weather, no-shirt guy holds a subway 
door for me.  I pass no-shirt a few days later,
turn around and slip him $5 for his trouble.

* Overdeveloped over-amped (Tin Men) 

* Visual and psych waterboarding in variety 
and monotony.

Nobody’s p-p-per-perfect.  Especially me.  
I don't have a need for normalcy or want 
people to look or act like me.  Especially 
when drinking coffee…which doesn’t agree. 
(Provoking bad poetry)   

I don’t want people to look like Tru-man 
Burbank of The Truman Show and certainly 
not like Tru-mp Cowardly Lion, Lying King.

Trump in effect, saying…
‘don't dare laugh at my bone-spur military 
deferment, my cranial reticulum inverted 
magical surgical hair or clementine saffron 
spray-tan complexion that elected me, DJT,
Emperor of the US Laundry Club for life.’

Trump/ JD Vance for VP.  Not *ucker or Ben 
Carson.  Not Mad Marge or *L Ron DeSantis*
Not Joe Rogan or Ivanka Trump. 

Don Jr wanted either *ucker or Vance.

Elon and Thiel wanted and got JD.