
Monday, September 2, 2024


Jackie Washington, all together now…
“Gotta get a move on, gotta put my shoes on…

Visual DSM-5 placebo for any gaslighting 
“deep thinker” using Wayback Machine
software in connection with this, um, blog.  

FTC Chair Lina Khan To The Rescue…
(on a different 60 Minites Big Pharma hack) 

Russell Brand, Actor, Comedian, 
2024 RNC Speaker and Recent 
Christian Convert Now Sells 
Magic Amulets For Only $239.99: 

Via Heather Cox Richardson:

Joyce Alene

Accusing Tucker Carlson of being paid 

by Russia Today is a serious allegation 

Canada's PM would be unlikely to make 

w/out sufficient evidence. This comes a 

month after DOJ indicted 2 RT employees 

in a covert scheme to use conservative 

US media figures to push out RT propaganda.

Michael Weiss:

The Prime Minister of Canada says under 

oath that RT, which the U.S. State 

Department alleges is engaged in 

"information operations, covert influence, 

and military procurement," is funding 

Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson. 

Dean Blundell:

Under oath, Trudeau says Russia (RT) is 

funding disgraced Psychologist Jordan 


Turns out Jordo’s 3 month Russian 

sponsored Benzo rehab coma was 

good for business. 

Michael Moore on 2024 Race:
(He called 2016, 2020, 2022 elections)

Ex-Republican Rick Wilson

Which is it??? 


Peter W Singer on Kremlin and US RW
flooding the zone:

News guard: Kremlin-owned media 

outlets, joined by far-right U.S.-based commentators, baselessly claimed that 

Ukraine sold donated Western weapons to Hamas. The social media campaign 

appeared to be an attempt to undermine international support for Ukraine.



I caught up with a high bailiff running for reelection in Vermont. He said: "What 

we’re seeing across the country, but 

also here in VT, is that the entire 

construct of elected sheriffs is 

dangerously prone to corruption 

and serious abuse."


Sarah Cooper to the rescue:

Glosso-Lalia Time
Pastor Ken hit by demonic 
Deep State MickeyDEW¿?


   🎯Ex-Evangelical On Her Brainwashing

                   And How She Climbed Out: 



Layla Noise vs The Signal

Anne Applebaum Clarity

Ex-Republican Rick Wilson on Mike Johnson 

👉🏻09/26/24, Barbra Streisand on Bibi:

Dr Marge Taylor GR33N3 DhP

I don’t have this acronymo problemo.
This video is almost “inappropriate,”
but only somewhat “concerning.”-)

What happens when you’re in the desert 

after a Trump rally and Trump refuses to 

pay the bus company? 

AS Archer:

So now confirmed. The bus company 

that the Trump campaign booked refused 

to return and collect the visitors to the 

rally after their repeated requests for 

payment were ignored.  Another example 

in the long history of Trump not paying 

his bills (see building suppliers in New York)


The buses didn’t come back because Trump never paid the bus company.

Roy Zimmerman’s 2020  “Token” way 

of saying, vote Trump away away away:

The AI Singularity Has Arrived.
Submit and Obey Your AI MAGA Authority.
All Praise Thiel’s Palantir Pre-crime
Human AI

“Minority Report” AI will neither kill nor save us all. 
“Neuromancer” AI behind our ears in 10 years? 
Or China’s United Front “Chung Kuo” version? 
Combined Zukerberg, Elon, Thiel AR =
“Fight Club” “Adjustment Bureau” “Minority Report”

Jim Jeffries, US “2nd-A” NRA Freedumbs:

Leonard Leo, Opus Dei lurking in the shadows:

                   Gareth Gore on Opus Dei:



The Pope vs Opus Dei:

Lincoln Project:

The noise…

Eric Trump:

When was the last time Biden donated 

his salary back to the federal government? Asking for a friend...

The Signal…

Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich 

when was the last time Biden had to shut 

down his charity and be forbidden from operating another one and also take a class 

in "how not to steal" because he was caught diverting money raised in the name of 

children with cancer. asking for a friend


Ex-Republican, Tom Nichols:

Dems learning again that the GOP, for all 

their astonishing clownery, also have ice-

cold, focused lawyers who are going to 

use every loophole they can find to screw 

with this election. Chanting and marching 

and cosplaying will not stop any of that: 

Lawyers and legislators do.


David Corn, 10/2024 - NEW: Trump isn’t 

running a political campaign; he’s mounting 

a disinformation operation. These are 

different things. That’s the key to 

understanding this race & this moment 

in US political history. I explain all in my 

latest piece. Please read & share


The following is an ex-Republican 

taking on Putin paid YT Republican 

influencers who are still followed by 

millions and in good standing in his old Party.

Ex-Republican David Frum:

I don't want to shock anybody, but ... the Russian-paid right-wing influencers didn't 

give the money back, didn't give the money away, continue to share disinformation, and remain sought-after platforms for 

conservative and Republican messaging.

Bloomberg News:

Huge checks, no remorse for some right-

wing media outlets 

via @BW

Russia’s paid right wing YT influencers

Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin 

and Tennessee “Tenet News” executives. 

How many Trump “traditional” “Christian”

“conservative” influencers are quietly

screaming for their RT millionaire shares?  

Washington Post Euphemisms:


Obama vs Trump:


San José PBA Fentanyl Smugglers:

Late Night Relief:

US General Ret, Barry McCaffrey: 

This is the sign of political madness. 

The blind obedience of MAGA’s devoted 

to an ignorant and lawless leader. Putin 

a criminal thug. A dictator. An enemy 

to the free world. Incredibly corrupt. 

He is brutalizing a democracy in Europe. 

What are we becoming?

Rick Wilson

Sep 25

The sound of Americans cheering Vladimir 

Putin at a Trump rally should disgust every 

right-thinking person, but it’s a sign of how corrupt the Republican Party has become 

that they boo Zelensky and cheer Putin at Trump’s behest.

What’s happening vocally, locally 
and colloquially “non-locally”…

McDonald’s doesn’t keep records
for P/T’ers from 45yrs ago:

Doug Gottlieb On Elon: 


Taylor Swift and Dolly Parton:

Kim Kardashian, Sean Combs. 

Into the Vodyanoy with 
Robin Williams, Martha Stewart:

Dolly Parton on Johnny Carson:

Brit Humor:

Rep. Luna does it again: 

Maddow, Timothy Snyder:

2020, Lawrence Wilkerson called
for impeachment of AG, Bill Barr:

Florida’s Car, Home Insurance: 

Cognitive Dictator Test: 

Ronny Chieng Doing My Paw-litical Jokz?


Pharmacy Benefit Managers:

Non Local - From Mars, Phobos and Earth:

Bill Madden and Sept. 26, 2024:

Hark Herald Press - China’s United Front
Operates pro and anti-China Networks.
What I’ve Suspected For Too Long.

Bill Madden:

Carolina Forward:

Julie Green’s Godly Revelations To DJT: 

Permitless Carry in Georgia:

Ret. Gen. Barry R McCaffrey:

Since Late 2023, Cops and Clergy 
by the thousands across the US:



Harry Potter Prequel: Roaring

1920’s NYC “Fantastic Beasts”

And Where To Find Them…

“Nobody’s looking.”  

I’m looking…

Not for Kari Lake…

Not looking for Space 🛸 👽 Alien45 or 
Mike “New Moses” Johnson “Project 2025.”
Or Church State Theo-cra-cra-zy

Is this blog just more algorithm capture?  No.
Which is why I quote so many ex-Republicans.

Never-Trump Republican “Apostates,” Rick
Wilson, Max Boot, David French, David Frum.

Forget George Will and Ross “Douthat.” 

One week later? 

9/15/24, George Will *will* endorse Harris:

Also Endorsing Harris: 
Republicans Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, 
Adam Kizenger, Paul Ryan and…

Bill Weir:

Horrific new video obtained by CNN 

shows a MAGA rioter (in white hat and 

backpack) grab a DC Metro officer and 

pull him down Capitol steps where he 

is stomped and beaten with an American 

flag pole.  At one point they sing the Star Spangled Banner.  (In the link)


Former Republican, Ron Filipkowsky:

Looks like the Lord provided another 

private jet.

Fantastic Beast Exorcism?  

Pastor Copeland makes me so 

*affearred* for the fate of humanity.

IMF, Impossible Mission Force female

interviewer Lisa Guerrero to the rescue;-)

Pastor Copeland didn’t buy Epstein’s 

old “Lol-ita Express” private jet used 

recently by ChosenOne45.  Like in the 

old daz to Epstein island but now without 

then BBF, Jeff. 
















Congressman Raskin regarding 

JD’s Predecessor:

JD might have similar plans for 45.  

Kathleen A: 

Republicans want Trump 

elected, by any means. 

Trump will resign. Vance will pardon 

him. Vance is POTUS and implements

project 2025 from there. 

Trump is free and ready to grift as the ex POTUS…..

This is the plan.

Vance and project 2025. 

Let that sink in.

Trump’s Military Academy Medals 

belonged to a classmate:


Which explains these center left multi-page 

related/ unrelated half serious rants on 

Russian, Republican, Religious Nationalist 

*Cthulhu Caucus* Psy-war alignments.

Titles stay with relevant current *TweeX’s.* 
Grammatical and journalistic topical constraints 
are adhered to unless or until they aren’t. 

Any *Duuhnning* Kruger decoherence
and misspellings can only be mere coinci-

                  Was that Fred on duh stairs??

Inside 2021’s AI “Fantasy” movie

“Free Guy.”  Anyone seen my CAT AI?

What’s that? 
Aristo-Cat Bestowing Paw-litical Blessings: 

Then there’s…
recent separate YT interviews downplaying 
climate change by P-doc pundit Jordan Peterson 
and Spartan “Life Coach” Richard Grannon. 
Winking across Elon’s newly installed GPT Neu-romancer Neuralink AI networks.  

Recent horrific storms, Helene in the Carolina’s 
and Florida’s Milton shout in P-doc pundit ears.

Dedicated to Jordan Peterson, postmodern Pynchon panpsychism, A Soul In Every Stone?  Follow Elon’SpaceX reusable V2.

I’m not into Pynchonpsychism, panpsychism
or postmodernmiseryism.  

JP, it’s not the sun:
JP never said it was.  His position is always more
and more nuanced and not reducible to any popular
politically correct blah bla bla narrative. 

Fox News: Climate change?  What’s that?  
Climate always changes, Trump, Alex Jones, 
Koch Oil, Jordan Peterson, Silvio Berlusconi say so.

Ex-Mormon Matthew Scheffeld:

Talking to Trumpsuper fans about 

politics is often surreal experience. 

And that's because they literally do 

not understand what you are talking about.

Why is that? Because Trump devotees

actually believe that truth derives from

authority rather than reality…

Religious Nationalist, Mike Roman:

Josh Marshall:

…Well, elite political reporters tend to see Republican policy and campaign work in 

the same way. The fact that they roll out 

fake policies and simply have organized 

lying as a foundational part of how 

they run campaigns ... well, no kidding ...

“Organized lying as a foundational part of

how they run campaigns…”. Marshall goes beyond partisan commentary to hit the nail 

of truth perfectly.

Sheffield Again:  

There is no such thing as the "culture 

war." What we're actually talking 

about is white evangelicals trying to 

cheat at politics rather than accept 

that Americans long ago rejected 

their authoritarian and superstitious viewpoints.

Me: Dozens of LDS Mormon missionaries

all dressed the same were checking into 

the NYC Masonic Lodge back door on

24th Street in mid-April post NYC earthquake. 

Mormon Dream Mines? 

Their families cosplaying just up the street 

on 5th Ave?  Flooding NYC Madison Square

and Bryant summer parks with BOM frontier ankle length white dress “humble fellowship.” 

Below is another Ex-Mormon spreading 

charity and nose ring clarity.  She moved

from Utah to Brooklyn, NY?  From Mormon 

to atheist?  I don’t completely buy it but 

the optics are impeccably *poifect.*  As 

they say in old Brooklynese.   All together 

now, Ha! Ha! Ha!  (Mormon dark sarcasm 


Stalking ex-adherents?  

Who does that?  Besides Scientologists? 

Scibots based on Mormonism?  That 

in turn was based on…Free Masonry?  

Well now, what’s the real reason

for declining US church attendance?

Hav’ta put on muh Orwellian 

Deep Think fur hat fur that…

Anyone following “Beks” on X will see the

answer on a daily basis.  While Religious

Nationalist circular firing squads point

crooked fingers in every direction.  Except one.


On YT a decade ago, Russian trolls,

David Icke and Alex Jones blamed 

CIA, NSA satellite DEW directed energy 

weapons zapping Christians from 

low earth orbit for declining attendance.

Not to mention chemtrails from CIA 

aircraft contaminating US farmland.  

Who could possibly believe that? 

Then or now?  Just repeat until “familiar.”

Republican euphemisms for reality 

based glyphosate and fertilizer

sprayed on US crops. 

The lie of low earth orbiting satellites 

was used to deflect attention from 

reality based infrasound microwave 

DEW weapons.  That are not now 

exclusive or limited to US, Russian, 

China, Israeli defense contractors.  

The actual reality based “targeted Individuals?”  That we know of?  

Havana, Cuba Diplomats, CIA and US

Homeland Security employees.

In 2021 the Russian Republican memetic 

lie machine claimed Covid-19 vaccines 

caused people to vibrate.   Or were used

by the “Deep State” as injected tracking devices.  

Who’d believe crap like that?  Wrong 

Q when the intention is to deliberately 

pollute the news infosphere and voting 

public opinion.  Repeat until familiar to 

sports fan gun fanatics who, like Trump,

could care less about a virus that “was

like the flu.” 

Conspiracies *dew* exist apart from

those convenient to this blog.  I’m on 

the slow side regarding conspiracy belief.

Extreme “Flood the zone with bs” RW

memetic viruses have been part of mainstream Republican “foundational 

lying” since FDR’s New Deal.  “Fake 

policy” in Republican Presidential 

campaigns degrade mainstream 

news, culture, politics and voting.  

Like in🇷🇺and🇨🇳and 🇮🇷. 

NYC surreal contrast: many Jewish 

Orthodox and the same number of 

pro-Palestine demonstrators on New

York Public Library 5th Ave steps.  

Between Patience and Fortitude 

Lion Kings.  One side loud, the other completely silent.

Both were also protesting on 5th 

Avenue in the Flatiron area.  Orthodox 

Jewish sect and Palestinians aligned 

protesting Gaza to banging drums. 

Many orthodox Christians blame 

declining church attendance on the government “Deep State” “Beast,” 

interfering with “God’s Plan.”  

US Big Gov outlawed slavery, regulated 

tobacco, coal, pollution and eventually 

caught up to the Big Pharma opioid

industry.  That put thousands of pill 

salesmen, pharmacy’s, clinics and

Pharma executives into the middle 

class, rich and super rich.  

It took years to catch up to Brooklyn

Mafioso, John Gotti.  Justice only now

catching up to 2017 Charlottesville nazis,

and now Trump.   To avoid jail Trump 

must win in 2024 by whatever means.

Same with Big Pharma?  Delay, appeal, 

delay, appeal.  Jailed Pharma executives?

No.  Perdue Pharma buys up foreign 

opioid distributors to recoup US fines. 

FTC Sues PIM, Pharmacy Insurance Mgrs:


60 Minutes Republicans/ Big Pharma


60 Minutes on Food and Pharma Monopolies:


2006, how many defeated R’s were 

given Pharma executive jobs by Bush’s

Secretary of Defense and ex-Searl 

Pharma CEO, Donald Rumsfeld? 

When Democrats forced them out after 

sweeping both Houses of Congress.

Many pharmacy’s were robbed during 

three years of Covid.  That and court 

imposed big opioid fines forced 

pharmacy closings across the US.  

Matthew Sheffield on the FreePress” awakeningBari Weiss's website is just 

now realizing that Republican’s are unhinged. Exquisite unintentional self-parody.


The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum 

to the rescue: Autocrats in China, Russia, 

and elsewhere are now making common 

cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit 

liberalism and freedom around the world.

Stephen King: The French right wing is 

going down to defeat in spite of polls. 

May it happen to Trump and his head-in-

the-sand cronies.

I’ve joined groups that could be labeled

“cults.”  Never came close to cosplay 

robo stalking or talking in anyone’s in-

group “true believer” prescribed argot lingo.

Matthew Sheffield Again:

Donald Trump is a cult leader, 

but he is not a cult member.

JD Vance, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, etc 

are pathologically angry & weird cultists. 

They hate America and anyone who 

doesn't share their freakish superstitions.


Their anger keeps them from being funny. 

We're lucky!

From Russian Trump Republican Religious 

Nationalist cultish cat’s *paw-litics* to 

“Midsommar” autocratic fear and control. 

(“Cat’s whut?  More y’all’s Marxist postmodern commie “humor?”)

Ari Aster also did “Hereditary,” partly about

paranormal mergings with the everyday.

Am I a movie fan?  Horror or Harry Potter fan?  

Nada.  When compared to actual movie, HP 

and JK Rowling fans.  She’s OK pawlitically 

under JKR or her pen name Robert Galbraith.

Hare Krishna?  Elizabeth Claire Prophet?

QANON, TPUSA, Project 2025, Agenda47?

Forget them and pro-Trump Mike “Misha” 

Flynn.  Who led a Christian crowd in EC 

Prophet “prayer.”  No call to Q”Spiritual” 

Civil Warfare.  That came later. 

Here’s YT’s psych alternative to Jordan 

Peterson, Sam Vaknin and Richard Grannon.

And no, Dr. “Grande” isn’t the Ascended One:

Old Vice News: Proud Boy Pastor with quote 
by the *Decended One* Mike Flynn:

Native North Americans Came From Israel?  

Thetans From Mormon Kolob “K-Pak”

Star System?  Or Xenu?

Many need authoritarian “truth.”  

Mormon Founder Joseph Smith 

Stole His From The Masons,

L Ron Hubbard Dianetics Scientology 

stole his “truth” from…? 

MAGA Trump superfans need 

authoritarian reassurance.  As do…

“Christian” 🇷🇺, Communist 🇨🇳, 

Islamist 🇮🇷 and Taliban in 🇦🇫 .

Accelerando Deut’ers, Barry Weiss?  

Elon?  Thiel?  Ackman?  Sacks?  JD?

But not….

Garry Trudeau’s Doonsbury…


Unfortunate reality…

(parentheses mine)


Who’s funding RFK Jr? (xxx)

Who’s funding No Labels? (-Joe Lieberman)

Who’s funding Dean Phillips? (Xxx)

Who’s funding Marianne Williamson? (Xxx)

(Who’s funding Jill Stein? (Green Party))

Who’s funding Cornel West? (Libertarians?)

(Who’s funding Hotep Kan*Ye West?) (Himself)

Ye announced for 2024.  

Like *ucker, he just returned from Russia.  

Will Hotep Ye get *ucker Carlson’s vote? 

Like in 2020?  “Nobody” wants to know.

David Troy: It’s best to see the reported 

alliance between Musk and Trump as a 

merger of networks, where Musk’s is 

arguably the more powerful of the two. 

In that context, Trump is an avatar, and 

will take instructions. (Per NYT Dealbook)


Who cares??  W’hale…

3rd, 4th Libertarian, Independent
and Green Party voter manipulation 
is the only way…

*Donold* Trump gets to say, 

he’s been reelected Pres-o-dent 

of the “United Shaytes.”

(Donold sometimes has trouble 

with his own country’s name) 

What happens if Kamala beats Trump? 

In both the official and SCOTUS vote count?

45 hops on “Lolita Express” to Venezuela?  

To say hello to Maduro?  

Not if AP3 militia can help it:


2024 riveting headline News:

“Do you actually need a night cream?”

Here’s what experts shay.

Experts Are Needed, use liberally with caution…

Duncan Jones, movie director

and son of David Bowie on ex-

eXpert Elon: Very exciting to see Elon 

Musk set a big reveal date for Tesla 

robotaxi and all the dramatic changes 

that that could spell!  An auspicious date!  

August 8th!  Very portentous and 

filled with good fortune, according 

to Chinese numerology!  👇🏻

Of course, according to Western 

numerology, August 8th is better 

known as 88, or in white supremacy-

land, code for “Heil Hitler,” but I’m 

sure Elon never, NEVER meant to 

tap into that dank troll.)

Jumping From Elon To Taiwan:


Ten Years Ago…
Obama’s 2014 WH Correspondents Dinner
Anger Management vs “CNN’s Two Week 
“Non-Stop” Wolf Blitzer Panicked Ebola Coverage.

2014 also saw Fox News contributor Dr Ben 
Carson interviews regarding ‘terrorists 
contaminating US drinking water with Ebola.’ 
On Fox Business and Fox News.

It worked. 
Nov, 2014, Republicans assumed control 
of Congress.  Leading to HRC’s Nov. 2016 
Electoral College defeat.  With Putin’s help.  

Ben Carson’s Ebola interviews were scrubbed 
from the internet.  Dr Carson was appointed by Trump as head of HEW.  Republican Fear and 
Doom Mission Accomplished. 

During the Obama administration there
were two, yes “2” *US* Ebola deaths.  

Four 2012 Benghazi Embassy US fatalities.

After Obama inherited the Bush/ Cheney Iraq
AfPak wars/ occupation's.  Plus inheriting the 
Bush Cheney 2007 “Great Recession” and 2008 
bank bailouts. 

The latter a repeat of 1989’s Republican 
bailout of 2000 S&L banking institutions.  
Nationally but mostly in Texas.  

These two Republican banking institution 
bailouts NOT labeled socia*lust* by Republicanos. 

Until Obama/ Biden/ HRC did a reset 
on both wars and occupations and cleaned 
up the 2007 Great Recession banking subprime 
crisis.  While passing ACA Obamacare. 

After Trump ended Obama’s 2015 Iran 
Nuclear Treaty, Iran is now on track to 
add 1,400 new centrifuges.  In the hands 
of Islamist fundamentalists allied with
 🇷🇺 and 🇨🇳.  

Between Israel and Iran it shouldn’t be 
forgotten which side Russia is on.  Both sides.  
They have things in common.  Getting Trump reelected is the least of it. 

Many of the above, including Netanyahu 
might want war on three fronts.  Winking
at Putin…Unless Biden, Harris and the West 
can force him to do otherwise.  Putin 
*said* he prefers Biden over Trump.  
Probably the main reason for his interview
with *ucker Carlson. 

After Trump negotiated the 2020 release 
of 5000 Taliban prisoners including the 
Taliban leader, Biden and NATO were 
stuck with last minute airlifting of thousands 
of loyal Afghan’s, US equipment and planes.  
With predictable US, Afghan lose of life.

Did Julian Assange actually hack and 
release names of Afghans involved in the 
2021 diaspora?  So they could be hunted?

Like Ed Snowden, Assange is not a “journalist.” 
Not a civil liberties icon.  Same has come to be
true for Greyzone’s Max Blumenthal.  ‘Golly, 
what happened to Max?’  Don’t ask. 

All three waving to each other as part of 
Russia’s “horseshoe” extreme LW RW 
propaganda machine. 

Republican “Project 2025” possibility?
Agenda 47? 

If Trump wins…
it wouldn’t be anything like Gaza, 
not like the Ukraine or Sudan.  Or Russia 
and Assad’s Syrian tribal chaos.  Not even close.  Except if you’re one of the many US illegals 
Trump Republicans threaten to arrest/ deport. 

The end of US democracy if Trump wins?  
Republicans say the same about Harris, 
or any Democrat.  Moderate Republicans 
are steadily being voted out of office. 

Which of the two Parties are *unofficially* 
aligned with “Christian” Church State Russia?  Which US Party’s tribal leader praises Putin, 
Xi and NoKo’s Kim Jong Un?  In the name of
nuclear peace.  

Alex Jones, J6 and Trump neo-Confederates 
and Russia have much in common.  Besides a 
culture of spitball lying about politics and 
everything else. 

Richard Ashcroft, Cold Play, 2005 G8 concert.  
Now G7 minus Russia.  Almost 20 years ago?

Ashcroft’s father was a Rosicrucian.  Like
my grandfather.  Elucidating the lyrics. 
Nothing to do with former US AG, John 
Ashcroft whose YT backwards solo plays
on another page. 


Jumping back to Obama’s 2014 Virus Preparation…

“Five years or a decade from now…”  

* 2014 plus 5 years?  2019, CoV-19 hits China.

* 2016, Trump loses the popular vote but 
wins the Electoral College Presidency.
Republicans have won the Presidential popular 
vote ONCE since the 1989 fall of the Berlin wall.

* April of 2018, Trump replaced Security 
Advisor Mike Flynn with John Bolton.  

* May 2018, Admiral Zeimer’s global health 
team was disbanded.  

* December 2019, Trump impeached by 
House of Representatives regarding Ukraine 
aid quid pro quo Biden blackmail.

* Scopes fact check: “…Trump axed the 
executive branch team responsible 
for coordinating a response to a 
pandemic and did not replace it…”

* February, 2020, COVID hits the US. 
Imagine trying to explain China Covid
Intel to someone like Trump?  NOT possible!

* Estimated 2020 fatalities under 
Trump/ Kushner?  166,000.   And 
just like with 2005’s Hurricane Katrina 
mismanagement, Republicans will get
away with it.  It was foretold…

….by Trump, Mike “New Moses” Johnson, 
*ucker Carlson, Dr Malone and Alex Jones.

RFKJr, Dr Tenpenny (recently reinstated as Dr)
National Review, National Enquirer, TPUSA
Religious Nationalist, Rogan, Campbell circular 
firing squads default to blame Biden, Fauci, 
vaccines and everyone, everything, everywhere 
else all the time.  Especially when using and 
living through every legal/ illegal stimulant 
drug known and unknown.  

* 2023, US led the *developed* world in total 
CoV-19 deaths.  Mainly due to anti-vaccine 
Russian Republican Religious Nationalist 
J6 militia political psychopathy.  

* Brit’s Boris Johnson led the EU in total deaths.  
Labour inherits worst economy since WWII?
Like the 2008 and 2020 US conservative mess. 

Christopher Mathias: Interesting part of 

@splcenter’s 2023 “Year In Hate & 

Extremism” report: a big focus on the 

New Apostolic Reformation,” a burgeoning 

brand of Christian supremacy the SPLC 

calls “the greatest threat to American 

democracy you’ve never heard of.” 

My look:


May 2024, NYC…

Jameel Jaffer: If a pro-Palestinian student 

had done this, it would have been labeled 

a terrorist attack, the president would have denounced it, Brett Stephens would have 

written eight columns about it, and Congress would already have resurrected the 

👇🏻Alien and Sedition Acts.👇🏻


UNREAL Right wing pro-Israeli terrorism 

comes to NYC: "NYPD have arrested 

Reuven Kahane, 57, cousin of the 

infamous extremist rabbi Meir Kahane...

after he allegedly rammed anti-Israel 

protesters in Manhattan." Has terrorist 

Kahane movement formed in US?!






Patrick S Tomlinson @stealthygeek:

“Without Obamacare, everyone 

who's had Covid would now have a 

disqualifying pre-existing condition.

In case you forgot how lucky we are.”

Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD 1/n: 

Three facts:

1. Covid vaccines saved 3 million American 

lives during the pandemic. 

2. At least 200,000 Americans needlessly 

died in 2021-22 because they refused 

COVID vaccines.

3. Those who perished were victims 

of a predatory health disinformation 


Jenny Cohn:

On 4/4/20, WaPo released a blistering 

expose of Trump’s 70-day deadly 

delay in taking urgently needed steps 

to contain the virus. Less than two 

weeks later, Trump hired Michael 

Caputo—founder of the ‘Pardon 

Roger Stone’ organization—to 

serve as his spokesperson at HHS …”




Below are the top 20 states in order 

of Covid deaths per million people. 

Very nearly all of them are Republican-run. 

The top ten are AZ, WV, MS, TN, 

NM, MI, AR, FL, AL, and KY.

With OK at the top, here are the states 

with the highest rates of *long COVID* 

in adults:

Oklahoma: 34.1%

Montana: 33.8%

Alabama: 31.7%

Arkansas: 30.8%

ND: 30.6%

Ohio: 30%

Wyoming: 29.7%

SD: 29.5%

WV: 29.4%

Indiana: 28.7%” 


Mark Pitcavage:

Study reveals that the seven states 

with the highest rate of incidents of 

long COVID are all red states. The 

lowest are all blue states.

(“W’hale, both Party’s lie, Big Pharma

lies, so who ya gonna believe?”  Families

are too busy to even bother keeping up?) 

Trump R’s must distract from facts:

“Flood the zone with BS” is the RW 

Steve Bannon “conservative” nihilistic

Religious Nationalist MAGA reaction.

National Review?  TPUSA?  Tim Pool?

Better than therapy speak wokey woke?

George Will is only one of many endorsing 

Kamala Harris.  *Will* I now read Will?  No.

Internationally, R’s have much in common

with totalitarian China.  Trump was in 

favor of banning TikTok domestically.

Then received billions to change his robotic programming.  Douyin is TikToc in China.

Chinese corporations have to be aligned 

with the 🇨🇳 intelligence state.  🇨🇳cannot 

allow TikTok or internet VPN.  They block 

all unfavorable domestic and outside news.  

My guess, before any incursion/ invasion…

China will cut Pacific underwater internet 

cables?  Nullify SATCOM?  Blockade? 

Olga Lautman: 

Russia has been conducting these GPS 

jamming attacks since last December. 

We are now in late April and not a thing 

has been done. I’m not sure what NATO is waiting for.

Markus Jonsson:

The foreign ministers of all three Baltic 

states are now linking the Russian GPS 

jamming with risks of an air disaster. 

During weekend, the jamming forced 

two Finnish flights to turn around and 

the Tartu - Helsinki line is now under 

threat of closing.

Unrelated but related:

@DrEricDing: Fact—“The largest cause 

of deaths among police officers in 2021” 

was…. #COVID19….301 COVID-related 

fatalities, more than all other causes 

of deaths for police officers combined!

@PLSgetserious: In 1932 Hitler ran 

for Reich President against Hindenburg. 

He lost by 6 million votes. Hitler challenged 

the validity of the election. He went to court 

to have the results annulled. He lost in court 

but continued to claim he won. 

Sound familiar?

Hillary Clinton won 2016’s popular vote.  
Had she won in the Electoral College, the
Republican controlled Congress would’ve 
likely tried impeaching her over 2012’s 
Benghazi four deaths at the US embassy 
in Libya while Clinton was Secretary of State.

“Black Swan” events:  2012, Benghazi, 
2013, Ed Snowden gave away the NSA store.
2014, W. African ebola.  2016, “disruptor” 
Trump gets elected.  2016, Havana Syndrome.

…not nearly as bad as the 2020 ‘double number’
worldwide virus.  And forget numerology.  
(I saw the “Double Number” Italian movie.  
The actor playing the Italian police inspector 
was on the F train platform.  IOW, unpossible!¡)

Like the Hamas Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.  

Israel kills thousands in Gaza and plays victim.  
While winking at Putin who doesn’t “publicly” 
play along.  Putin **said** he preferred Biden 
over Trump in the *ucker Carlson interview.

Haaretz OpEd’s and thousands of Israelis
demonstrate against Netanyahu’s RW 
government.  An ex-Shin Bet chief speaks 
out against Bibi.  As if taking turns with 
other Israeli ex-security leaders doing the 
same.  A decades long scenario.  Netanyahu 
tries not to be pictured rolling his eyes in mockery. 


Havana Syndrome?  In Cuba, China and DC? 

Who cares?  

I do.  Not about Havana Syndrome via BlackRock 
DEW, demons or even Russians.
(“Hey person, RU Xeno Russophobic?”
Nada, I briefly married a Russian girl.  
She was not a vodyanoy, which translates as
“sea demon” but was the name she used,
which was also a now defunct Sunday news
comic strip.  Her step-fathers name and recently 

Below are 2024 and older 60 Minute programs 
on Havana Syndrome in Cuba, China and US domestic microwave/ infrasound DEW attacks. 

The March 31, 2024 “60 Minutes” 

report on 2016 microwave attacks 

on US and Canadian diplomats was

b’cast the Sunday night before April 1st, 

FUBAR Alex Jones, April Fool’s Day. 

No editorial conspiracy, just another  

weird innocent “coincidence.”


Ex-CIA Officer who wasn’t in 

Havana when he was “hit,” 

Marc Polymeropoulos: This seems 

new and notable:  "new information 

about the Pentagon's global investigation 

into these mysterious incidents. 

For the first time, sources tell 

60 MINUTES they have evidence 

that a U.S. adversary may be involved.

(Multiple governments have the capacity)

Ex-CIA John Silber: Removing this many 
capable American spies and diplomats 
from active service…such a…campaign 
would easily count as one of Vladimir 
Putin’s greatest strategic victories 
against the [US]…

Why quote ex-CIA? Of all people?

Hillary Clinton’s State Department diplomats in
Havana, Cuba were attacked by microwave/
infrasound DEW just before the 2016 election.  “Coincidences” happen all the time. How? Who?

Sen. Chris Murphy

on 2024 candidate Trump:

“It's why Trump's former National 

Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, said 

something today that is as shocking 

as it is unsurprising. He said Trump 

is "aiding and abetting" Putin's 

interference campaign…

Vlad “The Impaler” Putin’s 2016 
Havana Syndrome master strategy?
Or maybe not?  

Reported CIA and media explanations of 
“mass hysteria” “faulty security?”  “Cuban 
crickets/ cicadas in mating season?”  Ataxia?  
SSRI’s?  And similar reported “explanations” 
weirder than the events they tried to describe. 

US inaction also ascribed to ‘complicated 
🇷🇺 🇨🇳 Trump Biden diplomatic trade logistics.’

My “Minority Report” Surmise Speculation:
US State Department and Canadian diplomats stationed in Havana, Cuba were hit by 
pulsed sonic/ microwave DEW, directed
energy weapon attacks.  Possibly by…

US private defense contractors in Havana? 

How?  Why? 
In 2003, Bush43 and Dick Cheney refused to 
deal with their own Colin Powell run State Dept.  
Or even their own CIA during the Iraq War.  
Bush Cheney utilized their own version 
of the CIA (Lt Gen. Mike Flynn) to implement 
fake Iraqi WMD and very real de-Baathification 
non-stop kill missions in Iraq and AfPak.
All because Sadaam Hussein tried assassinating
Bush’s father while on a ME trip in the 1990’s
while his successor Bill Clinton was in office.  

Imagine those same US contractors looking 
to close the Havana, Cuba US embassy that
Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary 
Clinton had the audacity to reopen.

Inflicting serious physical and psych disabling
injury to US State Dept and Canadian 
diplomats in Havana, Cuba, China and later 
inside the US.  With tech that by 2016 was far 
from experimental. 

(The Q”Chosen Few” ask a Q-uestion:
“Blaming the US?  Whut-are-ya, some 
kind-o-commie drunk Barbie pinko? Huh?”)

Is the above cognitive dissonance?  
Surpassing Alex Jones weirdness?  

This video, with typical phony appearing 
influencer “The Sound” catchphrases doesn’t 
mention my weirdo contention but otherwise
isn’t bad.

Like 2019’s Trump/ Pentagon China spy 
balloons falsely labeled as UFO’s?  Something 
from Mad Magazine?  Or Mad Marge GR33N3’s
fabricated sub-prime universe?

Nope, not even close.  

I don’t have to be a mind reader to assume/ 
know that the above three political “beasts”
don’t believe most or any of their own branded bs.  

The TrumPutin arrangement never repeats 
but always rhymes with pre-WWII 1930’s 
“America First” Charles Lindbergh, DuPont, 
Prescott Bush gold fanatic isolationists doing
business and acting as *unofficial* Hitler 
propagandists regarding Roosevelt’s WWII entry. 

Neil Finn, Eddie Vedder…
History Doesn’t Repeat repeat 
repeat before or after we’all fall asleep:

Imagine Democrats dealing with 2024’s
Lindbergh, DuPont, Prescott Bush equivalents?  
Like the very “smad” Elon, Thiel, David Sacks 
Bill Ackman “tech bros.”  Then there’s ex-con
Pharma Bro, Martin Shkreli issuing $DJT 

How did we arrive at IQ45’s Republican Party?  
Who’re neither stupid nor insane. 

Roy Cohn’s clients: Carmine Galante, John Gotti, 
Donald Trump, Fat Tony Salerno

1977?  Bill Boggs, Roy Cohn, Gore Vidal:

One extreme to the other.  Twice upon a time 
there were 1950’s Dixiecrats morphing into 
George Wallace segregationists and Joe 
McCarthy John Birch Society Republicans. 

Then there was gay John Birch Society, 

Joe McCarthy lawyer and Democrat, 

Roy Cohn.  Later becoming Trump’s mob 

lawyer/ enforcer.  Trump was a Democrat 

and a Roy Cohn “apprentice.”  Armed Service and Southern US school integration and 

their reactionary opposites, Southern KKK “Dixiecrats” and segregationist Republicans.  

Then there was Rep Samuel Dickstein, 

NYS 1950’s RW “anti-commie” Democrat…

David Troy:

It is a surprising, fun fact that 

Rep. Samuel Dickstein, who shifted 

House un-American activities 

inquiries from Nazis to include 

communists, paving the way for 

McCarthyism, was himself a paid 

agent of the USSR's NKVD.


MAGA Daz with the late George Carlin vs 45’s 
grab-em-by-the-EEha: (With DeNiro) 

Brooklyn, NYC’s Italian Russian Trump 
Republican Transnational Crime:

2024, DNC Lawyer Marc Elias: There 
are no moderate Republicans in 
Congress. Just proud MAGA and 
scared MAGA.

Sen. Mitt Romney spends $5000 a day 

on security.  That he barely notices.  

Because of gun country NRA militia  

“conservative” “Civil War” Trump 

voter threats.  

Mormon Romney now wants Biden to 

pardon Trump for one of his crimes. 

With straight face (and Mormon Bishop smirk).

Romney making peace with his backward powerful political tribe?  US militia threats against his granddaughter?

(“Looks like you got that TDS, Trump

Derangement Syndrome acronym

acrimony going on.”) 

Who is Scott Ritter pictured below?

FBI Hauling Boxes From Ritter HQ:


Ben Jacobs: Less than a day after RFK Jr 

hangs out with Scott Ritter, the state 

police and FBI raid Scott Ritter's home. 

Ritter is a former UN weapons inspector 

who has become a vocal critic of US foreign policy and is strongly pro-Russia. Ritter is 

also a convicted sex offender.


Ex-US weapons inspector, isn’t now working 

for Russian state sponsored Sputnik News? 


Back To Marge Taylor Greene:

Imagine Republicans like MTG in the US

Congress who can barely keep from 

reaching for concealed whatever: pistols, 

pills, oxycodone, meth, roids.  When 

Trump is defeated in November 2024. 

“Flooding the zone” with “bold” audacious 

“paranoid style” MTG bs is the only way to

get attention in crowded “mainstream” 

“conservative” J6 Republican politics.


Imagine Republican Florida state legislators controlled by Gov. DeSantis, Sen. Rick Scott, 

Sen. Rubio and Rep. Matt Gaetz?

Ex-Republican, Ron Filipkowsky:

Florida raised the age to purchase an 

AR-15 from 18 to 21 after the Parkland 

massacre. Now it’s going back to 18. 

Because what we really need is to make 

it easier for 18 year olds to get ARs.

Ron Filipkowski: FL has the highest 

inflation in the country over the last 

12 months and in the worst 5 states 

it’s roughly double every other state. 

All 5 have Republican Governors (FL, 

TN, VA, SC, AL). But it’s never their fault.


Sept. 2024, DOJ Antitrust Vs RealPage In Texas:

Judd Legum (1 - 12)

1. One of the main drivers of inflation in 

the US is skyrocketing rents, which are 

up 30%+ over the last four years.

So, it's surprising that the recent FBI 

RAID on a corporate landlord based 

in Atlanta has received little attention. 

The raid was part of a federal probe 




Follow along to learn how the scheme works

Legum #2. The investigation centers 

around RealPage,  advanced property management software used by many 

corporate landlords.

Landlords that are supposed to be in 

competition w/each other "outsource daily pricing and ongoing revenue oversight" to RealPage


Me: Trump/ Kushner Are Edgelord Landlords… 

FBI investigations of “RealPage” landlord collaborations are ongoing in the cities of 

Phoenix, Atlanta, Baltimore, Charlotte, 

Houston and Miami.  

Florida leads all US states in overall inflation.  

Via rent collaboration and rising condo 

insurance rates.  Due to…guess what?


PBS: Consulting firm McKinsey and Co. 

has agreed to pay $78 million to settle 

claims from insurers and health care 

funds that its work with drug companies 

helped fuel an opioid addiction crisis.

From 1999 to 2021, nearly 280,000 

people in the U.S. died from overdoses 

of prescription opioids, according to 

the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. 

Insurers argued that McKinsey worked 

with Purdue Pharma even after the 

extent of the opioid crisis was apparent.

The settlement is the latest in a years-

long effort to hold McKinsey accountable 

for its role in the opioid epidemic. In 

February 2021, the company agreed 

to pay nearly $600 million to U.S. 

states, the District of Columbia and 

five U.S. territories. In September, 

the company announced a separate, 

$230 million settlement agreement 

with school districts and local governments.

WATCH: How McKinsey has influenced companies and governments behind the scenes for decades

The main reason for CVS, Walgreens 

drug store closings across the US?

Millions in opioid fines nationally… 

but especially, guess where?  Florida, 

where the opioid oversupply, pandemic 

deaths and untold corruption flourished. 

Judd Legum: (1/ 7)

1@Publix is the largest political donor in 


Between 2016 and 2022, Publix has doled 

out $10.6 million to Florida politicians

Last year, Publix donated $3.2 million

It's paying off

Big time.

2. From 2011 to 2019, the number of 

opioid prescriptions dispensed by 

pharmacies in Florida declined by 56%


 went in a different direction

The number of oxycodone sold at 

Publix went from 26 million pills in 

2011 to 43.5 million pills in 2019

3. By 2019, 


 became the second-largest distributor 

of oxycodone in Florida, surpassing CVS 

trailing only Walgreens

Publix allegedly "filled prescriptions from 

'cash-only' pain clinics or written by 

physicians hundreds of miles away 

w/no license to practice in Florida"

4. In November 2018, then-Florida 

Attorney General Pam Bondi (R), 

sued CVS and Walgreens.

The complaint noted that CVS and 

Walgreens were "dispensing extremely 

large amounts of opioids from their retail pharmacy stores in Florida."


 was not included

5. Ashley Moody (R) became Florida's 

Attorney General in 2019. In 2022, 

Walgreens and CVS settled with the 

Attorney General's office, paying the 

state $440 million and $630 million, 


6. Florida never sued Walmart. But it 

still negotiated a $215 million 

settlement with Walmart


 sold about twice as much oxycodone as Walmart in Florida

But Moody never sued them and there 

has been no settlement

Moody will not explain why

7. @Publix

 has donated $125,000 directly to Moody


 donated $8,000


 donated nothing



Ex-Republican Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe:

Qatar funneled billions of dollars to Hamas 

with Netanyahu & Trump’s knowledge & 

support. Netanyahu approved more 

Hamas funding a month before the 

October 7th attack, all while weakening 

Israeli defenses against terrorism. ⁦

On the other side of the world,

Noah Smith: China builds two new coal

plants per week. That's six times as much

as the entire rest of the world COMBINED.”

(Like wet markets, coal is part of 

China’s “traditional culture.”) 

Dave Roberts 

On Why Coal Is The Worst:


Good News From Derek Thomson:

Good decarb news from world's 

advanced economies: - Carbon 

emissions have fallen to 1973 

levels - For first time ever, 

electricity generation from 

renewables + nuclear reached 

50% - Total coal demand is now 

down at *1903 levels*

Steven Rattler:

In 2022, the murder rate in NYC was 5.2 

per 100K residents.  Alabama? 10.9 per

100K residents.  More than twice as bad.


Population of New York City?  

* 8 million plus.

* Population of the entire State of Alabama?  

* 5 million plus. 

Steven Rattner: 

Trump claims that crime has surged 

under Joe Biden’s presidency. That’s false.

In 2023, the nationwide violent and 

property crime rates were lower 

than any year of Trump’s presidency. 



Kurt Anderson: The states with 

smaller populations than New York City.




Sam Harris Making Sense of Israel:

03/21/24, So much “Hasbara” all of a sudden:
Haaretz OpEd “Explaining” Israeli Hasbara:

“Hasbara means that you don't have 

to ask yourself hard questions, just 

try to explain better what you already 

believe in.”

Kenneth Roth: Defending a state that is 
running a system of apartheid is not an 
easy task, especially when it now faces plausible...accusations that it is conducting 
a genocide. No amount of full-court hasbara 
can fully negate the visual images streaming 
out of Gaza."


In late 2018 when Trump Republicans still
controlled Congress, *ucker Carlson pushed 
his new book on his old Fox News show.  
*ucker broke with the Murdoch Fox News brand
by attacking Trump as “incapable” of governing.

Frat-boy *ucker as “unbiased journalist” in 2018
only meant one thing, he had a book to push. 

(The Zeitgeist responds: “*ucker???”
“Hey person, hominid, man, cam, GPT…
no profundity, profanity or bad poetry.
No making fun of names ok?”  
Yup Mr Z, ya caught me, now stop talking
to yourself and follow your AI robot default
program and report me.-)

Ex-Republican Strategist,

Stewart Stevens 02/04/24: Like many 

traitors, Tucker Carlson feels rejected 

and unappreciated by the class he 

aspired to join. He was rejected by CIA. 

He wanted to be a serious writer and 

intellectual. Was fired by MSNBC, CNN, 

Tina Brown. Washed up at Fox. Then 

fired by FOX.  FOX.

Of course he’s in Moscow.

Tucker Carlson: “The city of Moscow…

It’s so much nicer than any city in my 

country…It’s so much cleaner, and 

safer, and prettier -esthetically-…

Than any city in the United States”

Bill Browder responds:

Tucker, Moscow hasn’t been safe for 

my friends Sergei Magnitsky, Boris 

Nemtsov or Vladimir Kara-Murza 

whose lives have been destroyed for 

criticising Putin. If you were Russian 

& said the same things about Putin 

that you say about Biden, you’d 

already be six feet under.

02/24 John Scott-Railton

The Tucker Carlson grocery price 

video (Russia is so cheap you'll be 

radicalized, folks!) is tragic & funny.

My guy, the grocery bill you're 

rhapsodizing about is ~SEVENTY 

PERCENT of a median Russian 

weekly salary (13.4k RUB) 



The Zeitgeist Gestalt asks a 
Q: “Is Hannah Hunt in the song below any 
relation to Ethan Hunt of the IMF, the
International Mission Monetary Something?”

A: W’hale, it Deepends…ask Stephen Miller
if Trump wears them?  And where the secret 
supply of Deepends are hidden.  For emergent 
Mission Unpossible “Black Swan” events.
Like Trump’s reelection.  

My tooth bridge displacement doesn’t qualify
but it explains this stuff…

The Vampire Weekend singer is a NY’er who

looks like a Mustang Harry’s ex-bartender?

Who thought he was Gloria *Swan-song?*

After a 90 Minute beer I took in a movie.  

And noticed an uncanny resemblance to the 

actor playing “Renfield,” Dracula’s butler, 

eating the bugs, opposite the ultimate narcissist, 

Vlad “The Impaler” Dracula played by Nick Cage: 

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik hiding 

from claimed “FBI Undercover Crisis 

Actors” on Jan 6 (2021)


Harvard’s Rep. Elise Stefanik wants to be

45’s VP.  Almost as badly as Vivek Ramaswamy,

JD Vance and Gov. Khristy Noem put together. 

JD adVanced and answered the Mar a lago call.

William Gibson: Tennessee law allowing 

teachers to carry concealed has me 

imagining which pistols exactly my 

own SW VA, TN-adjacent high school 

teachers would’ve chosen to pack.

Ronny Chieng’s 2023 Thanksgiving History: 

Paraphrasing NYT regarding new weight drugs…
S. Carolina insurance paid for weight drugs
for 2800 state employees in 2021.  In 2023? 
25000 with $100 million paid out.  S. Carolina
will discontinue paying in 2024.  Except for diabetics.

David Pakman, Sam Harris:

Musk, Thiel and J6 MAGA Accelerando: