And now, the former 911 US Attorney General,
John Ashcroft. After being defeated by a dead
man and that man's wife for his 2001 Missouri
U. S. Senate seat.
Hotep Ash-croft is still “eating the roast”
and “surfing in hell.” He’s not a cannibal
nor is he accountable. But he’s still hungry.
Appointed 911 AG under Bush 43 and now
presented in demonically backward mode
by Fightfirewithsnow:
Since 2011, Ashcroft sits on the board of
directors for the private military company
Academi (formerly Blackwater) and is a
professor at the Regent University School
of Law, a conservative Christian institution
affiliated with the late televangelist Pat
Robertson; he has also been a member of the Federalist Society. His son, Jay Ashcroft,
is also a politician, serving as Secretary of
State of Missouri since January 2017.
John Ashcroft also used to be one of the
“Singing Senators.” Until Republican
Senator Larry Craig from Idaho was
caught “singing and dancing” in an
airport mens room stall.
Did I see Larry Craig pre-arrest at O’Hare
airport? I recognized him in the airport men’s
room mirror as I was washing up. He went from
the stalls, past the sinks to the exit with his Idaho
potato hanging out. Unpossible.
Justina Benjamin’s “Mars Attacks”
“Calling You” country music was designed
to drive away nasty Martian Reptilian gang
stalking “lawn-mowing” “next-door neighbors.”
(And those hooked into Co-op security systems
and Big “C” construction)
Martians blasting Las Vegas Hotels / Casinos
for granting gambling licenses to Trump Inc?
Five feet (+ six inches)
with a big hey’ad.
Who does that remind me of?
not Joe Rogan:
or maybe this is it…
Cop “Humor”
I played 👆🏻this song LOUD-in👆🏻Bryant Park.
Picked up by fake grey rock microphones.
Before I knew it,
2 NYPD and 2 Park PD
were on radios
knowing that I could see and hear them.
I had already turned down the sound.
Cops later got their last laugh
but not by way of arrest.
T-Party Chud’s and Karen’s
below reading from same script?
"What I need from you is to know what you can
do, you and your fellow non-communist colleagues
in the lower House, what you can do to stop these
communist tyrannical executive orders laid down
by this foreign-born, America-hating communist
“Conservative” Murdoch branded politics
in slightly upgraded formats that Fox News
MAGA media and RT projects to US gun
country and U.S. military bases worldwide.
Every single day.
Will Pennsylvania and the US be hearing
from a reimagined Santorum in 2024? No.
Another Republican Wizard, Dr. Oz ran and
lost the race for the Pennsylvania US Senate
with Trump’s endorsement. John Fetterman elected.
Pennsylvania came through.
Dr. Oz, Dr Phil and Dr Drew all bowed deeply to
their Fox “News” overlords in 2020. Which helped
to get more votes for Republicans in 2022.
But no red wave.
Putin can’t suppress his Russian serpentine
reptile smile. After the 2024 US election results.
How to *hasbara* the very real reasons for
Republican House slim majorities in 2024?
Gerrymandering, the Koch family, state laws
written by A.L.E.C., Chamber of Commerce,
Federalist Society, Claremont, Opus Dei,
Heritage Society’s Project 2025.
Fox News, MAGA media, Alex Jones and YT
Russian trolls are the political equivalents of
the Star, Globe and David Pecker’s Nat’l Enquirer.
“Bat Boy” no longer makes Enquirer headlines.
Randy Q-uaid, Roseanne Barr still pumping out
“paranoid style” bs? YT’s MKULTRA Hollywood?
Randy’s brother, actor Dennis Q-uaid joined
the pro-Trump 2020 (2024?) clown show. Years
ago I saw Texan Dennis Q reminiscing on a stoop
across from his old NYC Union Sq Park drug hangout.
Want to know who preceded Q and Alex Jones?
Besides Henry Ford and Father Coughlin?
L. Ron Hubbard?
2013, a Chinese CCP government official was
quoted in a NY Times editorial regarding the
proliferation of government slogans and propaganda
on the walls of buildings in China. The editorial was titled, “The New Face of Chinese Propaganda.”
The article translated a quote from a CCP official,
“Of course it’s stupid!" "But who cares?"
"We can stick that stupid stuff on all those walls.
Can you?"
Let that quote now read:
‘Of coarse it's stupid. But who cares?
We, Chinese, Russian, Q-Anon, RT,
Sputnik News, Big Oil, Fox News, OAN,
NAR, Newsmax, Twitter, Breitbart, Sinclair,
Telegram, Global Times, Rebel Media, Greyzone,
Epoch Times, Hasbarist trolls and Christian
Nationalists everywhere can stick that “stupid stuff”
on millions of TV sets, thousands of You Tube
channels and link to Reddit, Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram and TwiXter up and down your wazzu.
“Can you?’
A Borough Park or Crown Heights NY’er
“in residence” silently endures a DEW
“Directed Energy Weapon” colonoscopy.
What’s the SSRI anxiety, depression
medication that sometimes induces
internal neuro shocks? Cymbalta?
What are symptoms of akathisia?
Besides the inability it keep still and
internal neuro electric shock-like
sensations? As expressed by Psychologist,
Dr Jordan Peterson.
Web MD Cymbalta side effects:
“dizziness, confusion, mood, headache,
tiredness, diarrhea, sleep changes, and
brief feelings similar to electric shock.”
Psychiatrists might refer to it as another indicator
or symptomatic manifestation of ongoing…
whatever the original complaint was. Before
confessing, “we’re still in the dark ages” when the
entire menu of prescriptions make everything worse.
Then again, no wonder there were so many “TI”
🎯 individual testimonials decades ago about
“electronic harassment” experimentation by CIA,
NSA black helicopters and satellite Directed Energy Weapons. Like recent Maui fires blamed on
BlackRock laser DEW directed energy weapons.
Some videos were by people in intractable delusion.
The untold number of others? I checked some links
to other websites on the Mad In America site. All comments were obviously by trolls or Markoff
chain AI. Always defaulting to the same scripted “paranoid style” lingo. IOW, what people have
come to expect in comment's sections on older
psych info websites.
IMO, the comments were too obviously pre-AI
faked by clever psy-war trolls likely familiar
with the effects of SSRI benzo medication decades ago.
Clever contractors vs real victims of medication
side effects. Drowned out by PSYOP trolls.
Troll farm “TI” “electronic harassment” served
another purpose besides discrediting people talking
about P-doc medication side effects. Who were
used to deflect from a Fight Club reality that
included nasty sonic, microwave neuro weaponry
capable of inflicting severe injury without physical contact. It’s been happening for decades. With
gaslighters at the ready with crooked fingers
pointed and saying, RU alright?
The video below isn’t a “Stranger Things” TV intro:
From “Mike M’s old “electronic harassment”
channel. This Mike might also be a Brooklyn
musician named Jon M who plays “Satmar Ska
Jazz guitar.” On different channels. Whose
alternate familiar is “Catholic Jesuit priest”
guitarist “Father Kevin McGoldrick.”
Mike’s old NYC YT channel description used to
say “I am being shot in the nose with bursts of
directed energy” DEW (cocaine vs cymbalta?)
“by the Brooklyn Mafia.”
(NYC construction mafia still side hustling
amphetamines? Addy’s? Zyn’s? Coke?
Super hyped after Manhattan union meetings?)
This Mike’s channel consisted of mostly talking
“TI” “targeted individual” college library, coffee
shop videos that were taken down with the above
video now archived on a separate troll channel
that has nothing to do with this blog post that
thankfully nobody reads. IOW, this is my way
of making sense out of improbable “unpossible”
actual events.
“Mike’s” honey trap channel presented him as an
innocent “oppressed” college student claiming
“electronic harassment” by “Brooklyn mafia”
via DEW (**SQUID) directed energy sonic and
pulsed microwave weapons delivered by said
mafia long before 2016’s Havana Embassy versions
of same. (**”Schneier On Security” euphemism)
IOW, this video foreshadows, deflects and
provides useful camouflage for very real high
tech defense contractor neuro-weaponry. Worse
than Israel’s NSO Pegasus predatory phone software.
Pegasus is used on actual real journalists who
threaten Middle East and Mexican Cartel autocrats.
And of course advertised by NSO as tracking
terrorists, criminal gangs etc. Also duplicated
by and/ or sold to Russian predatory cyber thieves.
One, two or three of the above Mike, Jon, Kevin
characters did a split screen YT accompaniment.
Which is to say, the same guy with a Roman
collar, watch cap, extra body weight accompanied
by his kippah yarmulke wearing familiar.
Inclusive talented MPD, multiple personalities.
MPD, Multi Personality Disorder people call
themselves DID or dissociative identity disorder “Systems” people.
None of the “three” are likely MPD or DID.
Maybe Imposter Syndrome?
Non-preferred Mike/ Jon/ Kevin pronouns:
We/ Hive/ Mind/ Us/ They/ Them/ Team/ Systems.
All together now…
A-one, a-two, a-three, DID…
The only “New Yorker” magazine I ever read
cover to cover had Jon playing at a Brooklyn
venue “in residence” around New Years.
(Recently at Bryant Park)
Is the silent DEW, Directed Energy Weapon
video a migraine sneezing fit with sound
filtered out? (No) Did an older version
include background laughter? (Yes)
Laughter could be heard in other versions
on his old channel. Which means “Mike”
wanted the joke element to be obvious and
did so for who cares what reason and for how
many years? On different channels from Jon
and Kevin. IOW, another honey-trapped version
of “Mike S” as well as influencers I mention
who use multiple channels for radical pov that
wouldn’t fly on their big income channels.
Speaking of reality based DEW, directed energy
weapon acronyms, how about ADW, Aztec Death Whistles?
Wood or plaster low tech weapons designed
originally to scare hell out of Aztec’s and
16th Century invading Spaniards. Centuries
before 2016’s Havana Syndrome. Same idea.
Nasty when amplified. An Aztec Death Whistle
recently had a cameo in the 2021- 2022 movie
“Ghostbusters Afterlife.” Via “whistleblower”
Asian “Podcast.”
Back to both Mike’s, S & M:
Who were two of many “targeted individual”
“TI” faked videos. “Mike’s” old channel claimed
to be hit by good old (Mountain) DEW aka Directed Energy Weapons. Deflecting from reality based weaponry and or cymbalta? While he blammed it
all on the equally incidious “Brooklyn Mafia.”
Havana Syndrome diplomats weren’t the first
or the last to get hit.
Blamed on 🇷🇺, the most likely suspect.
It also happened to US diplomats in 🇨🇳 and
in DC to high level DHS officials and others.
My guess regarding 2016’s Havana, Cuba…
As previously mentioned, possibly used by anti-Hillary, anti-Obama US defense contractors?
Giving Obama and Hillary Clinton the middle
finger for audaciously opening the embassy?
From Havana Syndrome DEW microwave to
1990’s “New Wave,” “Giuliani Uber Ales”
The opioid OxyContin ex-lobbyist, Guiliani,
and his fellow RW cooperating freaks deserve
much worse than pavement “head pounding”
music from the video below.
I don’t know about Mike, Jon or the Jesuit Father
but many in the Brooklyn Orthodox Hasidic
community were, by strange coincidence, 2016,
2020, 2024 Trump voters.
Putin and Bibi Netanyahu have their backs.
A few of the above were briefly made famous in
the 2021 J6 Capital riots. Pictured across Twitter
in pelts, furs (hey, it was winter) and bulletproof
police vests illegally lounging in the halls of the
US Capitol, aka *The People’s House.*
(Those pelts and furs were or were not on sale
on outdoor coat racks in front of the Apple Store
on 14th St and 9th Ave last winter. J6 mementos?
Going cheap? Who can say either way?)
The Q” Shaman was not posing in furs and Buffalo Viking horns like the V-2 Berlin Rocketman from
the deliberately unreadable, “Gravity’s Rainbow.”
J6, Jacob “Q-Shaman” Chansley is now out
of prison and selling yoga pants (made in China?)
Jake hasn’t yet issued his own Q-Currency bitcoin.
Q-anon confused with or w/o tattoos, Jake
ran for Congress as a Republican. Will
Mike S and DID infused Mike/ Kevin/ Jon
M also run for Brooklyn or “non-local”
metaverse Republican political office?
On J7, January 7, 2021, NYC, 6:30 PM:
Brown skinned guy was raving and yelling in
pro-Trump glossolalia on W. 23rd St NYC.
With another guy on the other side of the
street yelling the same at passersby in clear
English. “Unique” “coincidence?” Two guys
doing the same act at the same time on the
same street the night after January 6, 2021?
Also where the NYC Masonic Free and
Accepted Temple is “discretely” located.
The guy on my side yelled at an occupied
police car, “he (Trump) ain’t leaving…
wach-you-gonna-do? Huh?”
(Auditory clustering illusion? Nope)
Inside the car, police hypnotically stared
straight ahead and did nothing. Pro-
Trumpers on both sides of the street yelling
at ppl and watched by pro-Trump cops?
A block away raving guy turns around,
bumps a female and pushes a guy with
a bag of groceries and backpack to the ground.
That was me. I get up with no problem.
“Innocent bystander” is right there telling
me not to mess with Mr Glosso-lalia. I went
past Mr G, turn around and delivered a
sonic voice bomb (“get on your horse…)
that made Lalia guy snap-to and suddenly
talk in clear cussing *Engmush.* Like
snapping out of an induced talking trance.
Or what is supposed to be psychosis.
I continued to Mad-ison Sq Park. Lalia is there messing with the Shake Shack employee.
Another guy in the winter heated hut was sitting
head up completely silent and motionless.
Asleep? Another zombie? I make a shushing
sound for no good reason. He starts moving
and doing whatever.
Induced Layla trance effect? Via Opioids?
Fentanyl? Tranc?
Another guess: an Imam or 32nd Degree
“man of faith” selects a “volunteer.” Induced whispering or “psychic driving” + drugs+sleep
deprivation for *daz* or weeks and what do
you get?
Layla guy is seen the next day on the east side
of 23rd St lunging at a female. Female
jumps on a snowbank and cursed him out.
His response, “just playing.”
Weeks later, Layla guy is “saved,” “reformed”
doing Falun Gong/ Falun Dafa/ Epoch Times
Tai Chi in the same Mad Sq park.
All the above groups are pro-45 “conservatives.”
In the Epoch Times case it’s religious tax
exemptions and all-boats-rise with Religious
Nationalist Russian Republican tide.
(Any negative mention of same automatically
gets labeled as “oppression” of minority
religions and conservatives. Not even close)
Stranger Things:
Like the 2020 Michigan parabellum
militia convicted of attempting to kidnap
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Perfect Christian “Rise Up” Trump pat*riot*ic robotic militia. Who have the nerve to talk about Antifa BLM after the George Floyd killing and
their own J6 insurrection.
Or 2021’s J6 militia hangman’s gallows outside
the DC Capitol for hours along with concealed
pistols, knives. ammo belts, traffic cones, bats,
fire extinguishers, flag poles, bear spray and
hornets nest foot long goatees looking to kidnap,
kill then House Leader Nancy Pelosi and former
VP Mike Pence. One female ex-military rioter
was killed after being warned by PD guarding Congress.
Pipe bombs were installed very near where
VP Kamila Harris and her limo were located.
(Set to go off if a gun battle ensued?)
The country is supposed to be grateful there
weren’t any AR-15’s. The J6 court defense,
“how can it be an insurrection without guns?”Concealed pistols were there and at-the-ready.
Rioters caused the death, suicide and serious
injury to 140 Capitol police officers. Many,
like injured officer Mike Fanone were 2020
Trump voters.
Fanone survived head wounds and a heart
attack inflicted by his backward former
political tribe. He testified against the tribal
chaos at the J6 hearings. A thousand+of his
traitorous tribesmen were jailed. Their “savior”
45 was reinstalled as Donuts47.
Testimony before the fact:
At the mention of DC police death and serious
injury a certain pro-45 Borough Park Brooklyn
RW radio jock might quote Thomas Jefferson
regarding “the tree of liberty” needing watering
by the “blood of tyrants and patriots…”
The Jefferson quote used mostly during the
Obama years. The emphasis then was not
on patriots but on tyrants. President Obama
was labeled “socialist tyrant” while 2021’s J6
militia are now “legal protester” hostage
pat*riots.* The Russian Republican Religious
Nationalist Freak Show.
Mike M’s (again?) other videos were deleted.
If they could talk, and many of them did, they’d
all but say…my DEW cocaine weird beard and
hair look was deliberate. I'm not an actor nor am
I crazy, but I tried like hell to make you think I am.
Crazy that is.'
Mike M’s version of the previously mentioned
New York Times editorial: ‘We of the hasbara
(ie: explainer) troll brigades put fake U.S.
“DEW” “TI” “paranoid style” videos on all
these channels. We did it because we could.
Can you?’
Algorithm driven “paranoid style” videos set
out to degrade not control the YT platform.
“All politicians lie, they’re all the same Party.”
Yes, Rand Paul, Elon, Greg Gutfeld, Thiel,
anarcho axcelerando libertarians, Trump, Cruz,
*L Ron DeSantis,* Marge GR33NE, Project 2025 Heritage, TPUSA Republicans, NAR (not
National Association of Realtors), really are,
all the same Party.
(“How dare you sir, how dare you resort to crass
innuendo ad hominem? All of us, libertarian
maligned oppressed covert and overt conservative religious narcissists, are now and Agenda47 forever,
saying Allelululuya to Trump and Amen”)
Enuff already!
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