
Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Wainwright’s 👉2014👈 through 
a looking glass dark cautionary.  No 
matter how bad things look locally…
it’s not as bad as Gaza, the Ukraine or Syria.

When you’re “Chosen” as DJT once was 
and is again, you can magically telepathically declassify top secrets by uploading same to 
your Musk implanted BCI, Brain Computer Nuralink Interface, and automatically 
download them to Mar a Lago cabinets, 
showers and bathrooms for possibly “safe” laundering to Saudi, Chinese, Russian 
diplomats.  Imagine a CIA and DOD headed
by Gabbard and Hegseth?  Unpossible. 

The “Paranoid Style” As 
Weaponized Disinformation:
"In fact, the idea of the paranoid style as a 
force in politics would have little contemporary
relevance or historical value if it were applied 
only to men with profoundly disturbed minds.  
It is the use of paranoid modes of expression 
by more or less normal people that makes the phenomenon significant."...The Paranoid Style 
in American Politics”, Richard Hofstadter, 1964

Columbia Journalism Review March 3, 2017: 

“What we find in our data is a network 

of mutually-reinforcing hyper-partisan 

sites that revive what Richard Hofstadter 

called “the paranoid style in American 

politics,” combining decontextualized

truths, repeated falsehoods, and leaps 

of logic to create a fundamentally 

misleading view of the world." 

"“Fake news,” which implies made of 

whole cloth by politically disinterested 

parties out to make a buck of Facebook 

advertising dollars, rather than propaganda and disinformation, is not 

an adequate term. By repetition, variation, snd circulation through many associated sites, the network of sites make their claims familiar to readers, and this 

fluency with the core narrative gives credence to the incredible" ...benkler-faris-roberts-and-zuckerman, Columbia Journalism Review. 

Paraphrasing a tweet by Russian immigrant 
and never-Trump conservative journalist 
Max Boot helped to clarify the following: 
It’s been happening for a decade.  
Russian troll networks merged their 
message by “design or coincidence” 
with elements of the U.S. Republican 
religious and secular right wing.
David Icke and Alex “Born Again” Jones 
were grinding out the lies long before 
prominent unelected Republicans like 
former Rep. Ron Paul, TAC’s Pat Buchanan, 
ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Rev. Franklin 
Graham were praising Putin in 2014 for 
his “moral” and (cough) “Ukraine leadership.”  

Candidate Trump gave 2015 praise to the 
only entities who’d arrange loans to Trump 
Inc. decades ago.  Russian oligarchs, 
German and Chinese banks.  No American banks would loan him money.

How many elected Republican conservatives 
like Senator Rand Paul lent the power and
influence of their family and office to aid 
“Big Oil* “Christian” Russia and undermine 
the Obama administration in 2013?   
One year after the Benghazi attack. 

2013 was the same year Rand Paul supporter and NSA contractor Ed Snowden (contributed $500 to Rand Paul’s initial Senate campaign)
likely gave away the NSA store to Russia 
where he now resides as citizen Snowden.
(With top secrets supposedly separated 
from documents given to Russia) 

Russia wanted to be “caught” cooperating 
with Trump’s campaign thereby undermining 
2016, 2020, 2022 and 2024 elections.  With 
unofficial cooperation from US and Israeli religious nationalists and Republican allies.

Snowden journalist, Russia defender 
(“except in Syria”) and ex-RT, ex-Fox 
News” and “Democracy Now” star 
guest, Glenn Greenwald.  Formerly of 
“The Intercept” was very confident 
along with Max Blumenthal and others 
liberally identified like Oliver Stone, Matt 
Taibbi and Barri Weiss. 

Confident *unofficial* Russian Republican political mergers would prevail while never
admitting to Russian collusion with Trump’s 
election campaign.  Room 101 (lol) rats like Greenwald and Taibbi are laughing at the 
“Democracy Now” left they pretended to represent.  

I remember Matt Taibbi writing strings of 
F-bombs years ago for the old NY Free 
Press.  He’s a former Russian free lance
journalist and sports writer for The Moscow
Times.  Democracy Now, Rolling Stone
magazine kompro-Mat(t) Tiabbi *jenius.*

A new “Free Press” makes a comeback. 

Nicole Perlroth: “Bari Weiss just pitched and rebranded an entire media startup of this false narrative. Hence the name “Free Press”— 

as if she is our one and only independent media savior. What 

is harder to see is just how tightly 

she has boxed herself in.”

Coalitions bonding over oil

vs Climate Change:

Unrelated to that headline:
Putin’s Russia wants it’s Arctic coastline
to melt for it's oil.  Very expensive oil. 
Which means, at least for them and for 
U.S. oil red states, global warming doesn't 
exist.  Russia wants Ukraine for its 
farmland and population. 

They all know that occasional 100 degree 
summer temps in Moscow are mostly
human caused but economics and 
Party loyalty to “holy and sacred oil” 
means they must “unknow" deny and lie.  

Spitballing is the Russian Republican 
default setting.  Survival in the stupidverse.  
One in the GRU/ FSB, the other in the 
“anything goes” NRA guns and oil country.

Russia is so big they don’t have to care 
about methane bubbling up through melting Siberian tundra.  Carbon capture and space based “sun umbrellas” to the rescue? 
(Just kidding).  Fusion energy?  

No “Chung Kuo” style orbiting “O’Neill”
cylinder Middle Kingdom habitat Sci/fi.  
Hopefully.  Or “New York 2140” Sci/fi 
about NYC flooding up to the Bronx. 

The right wing put their faith in oil, in 
Putin, Koch, Exxon and…

In Donald Fucking Trump and, last but
not least, in fear and doom Religious 
Nationalism.  A formidable corporate, 
political, church-state combination. 

"In a report dated May 21 2014, Russia’s 
Internet Research Agency commercial 
director Svetlana Boiko discussed the 
progress of the trolling project’s $75,000 
trial period, which began April 10.  The 
report says that during that period, the trolls 
left more than 2,500 comments on 30 different 
news websites, tweeted 1,220 times from 12 
accounts, wrote 85 Facebook posts, posted 
175 times in an unspecified number of forums, 
and made five bizarre YouTube videos 
attacking the U.S. government."
"Bizarre" YT videos attacking the U.S.?

Deliberately using "bizarre" "paranoid” 
modes of expression" as a means of 
spreading disinformation by Psy-war 
troll farm networks whose deliberately 
demented content is aided by shear numbers 
of toxic You Tube videos and deliberately 
bizarre YT supportive troll/ bot comments.  

Typical comment of a Mike Flynn, QAnon, 
Elon, Trump pretend or actual true believer: 
‘so many videos and comments about 
oppressed US Christians.  Oppressed by 
Soros, gays and Gov. mandated vaccines
causing people to vibrate and be magnetized.  
How can it not be true?  Or better yet, how
can I not monetize same on YT, Facebook?
And have thousands of bots and their carbon 
based human equivalents subbing/ following.’

My guess, there aren’t that many true 
believers in that kind of bs.  But they’ll 
*say* they believe.  Changing stories for
J6 judges and social media.  Then when
back at the militia HQ bar they laugh
hysterically at their guilty pleas and/ or fake expressions of J6 contrite regret. 

No one believes that crap unless…
going without sleep for *daz* due to loss of 
job, homes, rent, Covid emergencies and 
family reactions to all the above.  Or just
the excitement of a Trump outdoor rally. 
(Trump unpaid stadium and bus rentals force outdoor rallies and stranded supporters.  
With resulting unlimited gun exposure) 

“Vote from the rooftops’ (not from 
the ballot box) was one militia website 
memetic virus.  That possibly caught 
“rapper” Bobby C’s attention.  He cast 
his vote on July 4, 2022 from Highland Park, 
Illinois rooftops.  

Like a guy Bobby C’s age who tried shooting Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.

(Like a scene from TV’s version of “Limitless.”
Candidate Bradley Cooper, fortified with
fictional NCT atomic brain tonic dodged an 
incoming bullet.  Total coincidence) 

That’s the AR-15 militia call to Civil War.  
And Bobby C’s way of getting back at 
everyone in Highland Pk who made 
fun of the way he looked.  The Crook
family were Trump voters.  Nullifying all 
the fake links and demented websites saying 
Crook was Antifa hired by Soros etc. 

“Vote from the rooftops” designed to get RW trigger fingers twitching.  9 killed, 48 wounded 
in Illinois.  Ten months before the Allen, Texas massacre.  The latter by an ex-military Neo-
Nazi American citizen. 

Bobby C’s father sponsored the purchase of 
the semi-automatic rifle closely related to an 

After his son had already threatened 
his family.  When a high school kid
reaches adulthood and looks like 
Bobby C in a rich conservative town…

His dad buys an automatic rifle for
many reasons.  Bobby C Sr was an 
NRA nut and likely let it be known that 
he had his own backup arsenal.  Survival  
in rich “conservative” gun country. 

The above are in response to the 
thousands of bogus alternative" 
RW YT channels, fake AI bot comments, 
fake forums (Above Top Secret), fake biblical Nephilim ancient space aliens, Chemtrail, flat earth, Gang Stalking websites of a decade ago.

Any accusation directed at the above
or at Russia is gaslighted with labels of
“McCarthyism” or “Russophobic
Cold War paranoia” by trolls and RW 
journalistic ex-gatekeepers.

“Russia’s campaign to shape international 

opinion around its invasion of Ukraine 

has extended to recruiting and training

a new cadre of online trolls that have been 

deployed to spread the Kremlin’s message 

on the comments section of top American websites."

Plans attached to emails leaked by a 

mysterious Russian hacker collective 

show IT managers reporting on a new 

ideological front against the West in the 

comments sections of Fox News, 

Huffington Post, The Blaze, Politico

and the defunct WorldNetDaily (*I sure 

miss those LDS Pat Boone articles*).  

In fake newspeak: "shocking, appalling, 

concerning” and likely the reason 

Huffington Post finally closed their 

comment sections. 

"The bizarre hive of social media activity appears to be part of a two pronged 

Kremlin campaign to claim control 

over the internet, launching a million-

dollar army of trolls to mold RW

American public opinion as it cracks 

down on internet freedom at home.”

It worked.  The U.S. Fox News, Tenet,

Trump MAGA media is now unofficially 

part of Putin’s troll farm reality based

“Fight Club.” 

“Here come the planes…” and
Lauri Anderson’s experimental 
1980’s Brit musical hit:

“Oh Superman” British hit was written 

for the 1980’s WWII generation.  

 “…in your long arms,

your electronic arms…

…petrochemical arms.”    

Drones over Taiwan?  Yes, via China.
Drones over Ukraine?  Yes, via Rusland 
Over Russia?  Yes, via Ukraine
Over NJ?  Yes.  Over NYC?  No. 
“Explaining evangelical support for Putin via Jeet Heer: 
More recently, a virtual Vladimir Putin cult has arisen among religious conservatives longing for a return to cultural purity." Putin’s macho bearing, his hostility to LGBT rights, and his fusion of nationalism with support for the Russian Orthodoxy all make him an attractive figure to right-wing Christians disenchanted with Obama’s socially liberal America.”
Franklin Graham, heir to the most influential American evangelist, says Putin should be celebrated for taking “a stand" to protect his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda,” even as “America’s own morality has fallen so far on this issue.” Rush Limbaugh cheered Putin for opposing “a full-frontal assault on what has always been considered normalcy.”

Speaking of normalcy, as of Feb. 2022, 

Barri Weiss couldn’t understand why things 


…back to 
normal?  Like when Trump was “in charge?”  She appeared to need that…
MAGA *autocratic certainty* and  45 bleach remedy “normalcy.”  That firm hand assurance that everything’s fine.  

CNN’s guest MD spoke about nurses and MD’s treating patients before vaccines.  Imagine 

treating agitated pro-Trump anti-vaccine very

sick patients? 

Reminding me of NYT headlines regarding 

Arcadia ER patients kept for extended 

hospitalizations because they had good insurance 

No, not the passed out anti-Trump guy who 

got up from a gurney and supposedly “tripped” 

and cut open his head.  (Bloody facial scar pics

were supposed to be “proof.”  Proof that 

everything claimed actually happened)

When receiving the ambulance bill the 

website was checked.  Not Mount Sinai, 

not NYFD or Langone.  

The ambulance owner looked to much like the 

“researcher” in Fox News CBD gummie 

adverts on Twitter during the pandemic.  

That claimed to relieve everything except viruses.  

To actually have Fox News as sponsors for CBD gummy bs adverts for months meant some big influence.

I left comments under that Twitter advert with my 

name in the Twitter account.  CBD “researcher” 

in the advert photo also a Paramedic?  

Who just happened to show up much later in my building laundry room washing his clothes.  Not  

a coincidence this time.  Invited guest by someone 

I do not want to know.  (Gee (snark) golly, hope 

they all got through the pandemic ok)

No alcohol, delusion or cheap therapy-speak

can begin to describe that or the freaking 

audacity of arrogance that goes with it.  

I had previously contracted the virus along with several Covid-19 small blood clots on my left 

foot.  Never gave it a thought.  

Which might explain the two pandemic ER 

visits.  One that police called an assault 

that just happened to be relabeled “a fall” 

by ER.  Passed out “fall guy” couldn’t say 

otherwise.  Supposedly ripped apart my own 

clothes while in delirium.  Nope. 


In 75 years I’d never been publicly violent 

physically or verbally whether sober, drunk 

or super drunk.  I keep the cursing to myself

not at anyone else.  

People dealing with the public sometimes 

take out their considerable frustrations when 

opportunities arise.  When their lying versions 

of events can never be legally challenged.  

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