
Thursday, July 11, 2024





Russian troll farms did help elect the 70 year old 
Trump who was propped up by crush and snort 
“stamina.”  Trump has never won the popular vote.  
Not in 2016 nor in 2020.  Republicans won the 
popular vote once since 1992.  They win in the 
Electoral College. 

Russia interfered with the 2016 election.  Russia 
wanted to be caught just to cast doubt on the U.S. electoral process.  

Not yet a proven legal collusion just flagrant 
cooperation with Trump Republicans.  Like the 
eight Republican Senators celebrating July 4th, 
2018 in Moscow.  Guests of that petrostate 
“Christian” socialist, big government killer, 
Vlad “The Impaler” Putin. 

“IF” God forbid, an airliner is attacked during 
the Biden years as was attempted during Obama's 
first year (WTC previously hit 2X) DJT and the 
GOP can deflect and claim that earlier attempts 
to ‘save the country’ via *border walls* and anti-immigration orders were thwarted and obstructed
by liberals and their judiciary.  

No jokes about walls high enough to stop airliners 
or walls that can’t be penetrated thousands of times
by cheap hardware tools.  

Lighting foreign and domestic fires to set up the 
political opposition.  Democrats, UN and NATO 
scramble to contain and put them out in Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Gaza.

Bush ended the Iraq war leaving the occupation 
mess to Obama.  

After military contractors got rich squeezing every possible $ out of US taxpayers for a decade, Trump consigned Afghanistan to the Taliban. 

And freed 5000 Taliban prisoners. Leaving President Biden and NATO allies to airlift 100,000+ Afghan’s 
out of the chaos. With predictable US and Afghan casualties.  

IQ45 and Republicans easily got away with it.  
Easily got away with propping up former pin-up 
model (“Einstein scholarship”) emigrant Melania 
Trump as FLOTUS.  Putin and Falwell Jr formerly 
of Liberty U and his tweaker pool boys cheering. 

Got away with appointing Trump son-in-law, 
and future Nobel Peace Prize (cough) *nominee* 
Jared Kushner as an advisor.  Whose security 
access was denied and then reinstated.  

Neither stupid nor insane.  

Imagine US security and 2024 Congressional 
election integrity after another four years of 
Republican grifters?  With boxes, not folders,
of classified and top secrets stored in Mar a Lago

That Trump was likely “laundering” to the
highest bidder.  

Putin gets help from ex-Democracy Now “leftist” journalists like Glenn Greenwald.  Like Matt 
Taibbi in addition to Oliver Stone, Bari Weiss 
and the Julian Assange Wikileaks cyber patrol. 

Guess who this👇🏻is?  No, not Joe Rogan:

“He’s a Small Man of Five-Six Saying He’s Five Seven” 

Are Greenwald, Taibbi, Oliver Stone, Assange, 
Barri Weiss and Wikileaks (not Wikipedia) updated 
versions of WWII’s “Cambridge 5” Brit spy rats for Russia?  

No.  Not quite.  Russia was a WWII ally.  Russia 
is now *unofficially* an ally of the U.S. Trump 
Republican Party.  Beats nuclear war (goes the

When Russia and China are surrounded by open 
internet countries, when their present and future demographics are in steep decline, what’s the 
Big Brother dictator default strategy?  The 
ultimate face saving deflection/ distraction 
from present/ future domestic failure?


What happens when a 2020 pandemic and 
US presidential elections come together? 

How to influence YT influencers?  No big 
conspiracy needed.  YT psych-advice and 
nutrition influencers were much in demand 
in the initial 2020 pandemic year and especially 
in the 2024 post pandemic.

Too many YT influencers indulged very brief 
carefully manipulated concessions to 2020 - 2023
pro-Trump Evangelicals and what amounted to 
anti-vax pro-COVID virus propaganda.  

With the possible exception of Richard Grannon 
and Sam Vaknin, no likely 2020 conspiracy took 
place between the various influencers in the psych, medical and nutrition categories.  All still much in demand but not by me.

Something else provoked so many to follow the 
same contrived script.  Paid by right wing PAC 
money?  Hitching a ride on the RW trickle down 
‘all boats rise with the tide’ media machine? 
Buying and providing fake followers?  Of course. 
I’m not a member of the progressive circular 
firing squad demanding absolutist political purity.  
JK Rowling, Tom Cruise, as if they care, are ok 
by me.  As is Liam Neeson.  Is that a bold brave statement?  Hardly.  Cruise is back, 70 year old 
Neesom was in “Marlowe.”  

I had to stop following this guy👇🏻in 2020. 
“NLP” “MMA“ Spartan “Life Coach”  
Richard Grannon.  In a 2020 video in 
(clockwork) orange jacket and dyed outrage 
orange hair he defended RW clown David 
Icke in a video much later taken down.  
Just as Icke was earlier completely forced 
off social media platforms for claiming 5G 
towers caused Covid-19. 

I can’t even call Icke a conspiracy theorist which 
is mainstream legal newspeak for a one-man bs 
troll factory. 

In early 2020 “scientifically informed” Dr. “Grande” seriously claimed Trump was a 156 IQ *Jenius.” 

The Trump 156 genius reference was Grande’s 
only RW concession that I’m aware of.  Which 
wouldn’t rate mention except that his likely IQ
source was neither “scientific” nor “informed.”

Then there was MIA, Mad In America hero 
Dr. Peter Breggin.  Using Gary Null’s podcast 
and labeling his Judy Mikovits bs interview his Churchillian “Finest Hour.”  It went thankfully private.  

Pressure from Dr. Fauci Pizzagate Deep State
CDC *Illuminutty?*  Or Breggin and Gary Null’s 
version of that memetic virus?

Dr. Berg YouTube health influencer:
All-American Chiropractor, Dr. Berg downplayed 
COVID death rates on YT two weeks before the 
Nov 6. 2020 U.S. elections and subsequent post Thanksgiving, Christmas record hospitalizations 
and early 2021 deaths.

2021, Dr Berg was outed by his son as a major 
supporter of Scientology.  Good to know where Scientologist carbon based trolls stand in the 
political culture wars.  With their Clearwater, 
Florida monuments to L. Ron Hubbard.  

“Getting clear” in Clearwater is/ not Sci-bot
slang for religious tax exemptions.  

Scientology methods were copied by other new 
age groups that didn’t have the nerve to call 
themselves a religion.  Hubbard said that if 
Mormons could get tax exemptions he could also.  
Scientology uses the same tactics on ex-followers.

Chiropractor Dr Berg knew the early 2021 death 
toll would spike because of the Dec. 2020 holidays 
which is likely why he chose to downplay COVID 
deaths when he did.  

Then, as if that were some other guy, Berg robotically returned to his usual *like* and *subscribe* nutrition topics viewed by the many real and fake thousands.  

The only real pushback against all of it?  Berg’s son 
and the beautiful Facebook whistleblower Francis 
Haugen (“The Power Of One”) forcing Mark 
Zuckerberg and his Facebook swampland to change 
the sacred corporate name to…(who cares?)


Back To Atomic Blonde Meta-Stupidverse Matrix. 

Russia's size, history and system of government 
before and after Stalin, was always said to be 
“in transition” employs Big Brother “vaporizing” 
of journalists including the jailing and murder of 
Russian opposition leaders like Alexei Navalny.  

What can anyone expect when it was East Germany 
under Russia and Stalin that was used as the post 
WWII model for George Orwell’s novel “1984.” 

It was in 1984 + 1 or 1985 when the Berlin Wall, 
KGB, German Stasi and KGB Col. Putin came 
together in occupied East Germany to see whose 
vision of hell was worse.  

The 2017 “Atomic Blonde” David Leitch directed 
spy thriller with Charlize Theron and James 
McAvoy was loosely based on events prior to 
the 1989 fall of the German Berlin Wall.

“Atomic Blonde” depicts a tough American 
Bond-type blonde US triple agent working 
against the Russian controlled E. German GDR.  

Included in the cast of characters was a spy
for the West named Merkel played by Bill 
Skarsgard.  A deliberately imprecise reference 
to scientist and former Chancellor of Germany, 
Angela Merkel.

The Berlin Wall came down in 1989.   The fictional 
bald bearded stand-in for KGB German speaking 
Col. Vlad “Impalor” Putin is depicted as being 
stationed in East Berlin.  The real Putin was 
stationed in Dresden. 

At the end of Atomic Blonde, Putin’s movie 
character is shot and appropriately bleeds out 
from the neck before finally being “smoked” and terminated.  

In 2015 the Brits found Putin guilty in absentia for ordering the murder of an English citizen who was
an ex-KGB spy.  

England, Russia and the U.S. then exchanged 
hostile mass market political action movies.
The start of a new Cold War?  Or hot peace. 

(Which would be denied, hooted and laughed at,
by everyone and no one in the motion pic industry)

Brits did the excellent “Our Kind of Traitor.”  The 
West had a dark comical “Death of Stalin” with Brooklyn’s Steve Buscemi playing a slimmed down
Nikita Khrushchev.  The West did “Atomic Blonde.”  

Russia returned with “London Has Fallen” in the 
dumb money making “Has Fallen” franchise.  In 
this one all world leaders are killed except for 
leaders of the US and Russia.  London is destroyed. 
Lots of Russian sounding names in the non-actor 
credits.  Good klepto laundering vehicle. 

Then came “Olympus Has Fallen” followed by 
“White House Down.”  In the latter movie, real 
life Republican right wing actor James Woods 
played a traitorous Dan Bongino style Secret 
Service agent elevated to chief who tries to 
assassinate a black US President played by 
Jamie Fox.  Bongino was a formerly Secret 
Service agent who later replaced Rush Limbaugh.

“White House Down” was, of course, made during 
the Obama years.  Which isn’t to say there aren’t 
Russian investors in Hollywood.  Or maybe James Woods, Oliver Stone, Steven Seagal, Mel Gibson 
or Bruce Willis of RW “Hollyweird” (conservative “humor”) were saying, ‘wheird-wid-chu-comrades.’  

No stunts needed for the ailing Bruce Willis 
in the great “Motherless Brooklyn” based on the
novel and very real and nasty NYC movers 
and shakers.  Ed Norton starred and directed. 

I listen to Thom Hartmann on YT now and
then.  I avoided him when he was on RT 
with his Bernie Sanders style “oligarch” 
“Wall Street” clichés.  *ucker Carlson’s
bow to Hungary’s Viktor Orban cured that.  

Carlson’s 2024 Putin interview just means 
he smells what all Fox News conservatives 
crave, that future US One-Party oligarch certainty. 
Murdoch’s Fox News cancelled *ucker’s show. 
*ucker Carlson Interviews Vlad Putin.  Where
Putin *said* he preferred Biden over Trump. 
What would Putin say about Kamala Harris? 

Russian GRU troll factories got frequent assist from American RT guests like Glenn Greenwald and ex-
CIA Putin fan, Hillary hater and 911 “truther,” Ray McGovern.  

How can anyone dislike the smooth talking ex-CIA 
Irish jokester McGovern?  Who was a frequent RT 
guest and speaks fluent Russian no less.  Preparing 
the way for I. C. rats like former Director of the
National Defense Agency, Trump’s former National Security Advisor and now reborn “Catholic” 
Nationalist preacher, retired Lt General, Mike Flynn. 

Russian opposition media, Rain TV 
recently stopped/ restarted broadcasting. 
Then there were 2015 books with titles like, 
"Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible:  
The Surreal Heart of the New Russia.”  By
ex-Russian journalist Peter Pomerantsev.

2014 was when Giuliani publicly endorsed 
Putin’s “Ukraine invasion leadership” as
superior to his own President, Barack Obama.  

He did it on Fox “News” in 2014 when Putin 
first invaded the Ukraine’s Crimea.  Giuliani
putting his “conservative” authoritarian 
ideology for all to see.  And getting away with it.  

Rudy likely made sure the NY FBI was 
packed with fellow Putin RW’ers named 
McGonigal to box in Comey in 2016. 
McGonigal took part in J6 on the side of rioters. 
McGonigal found guilty.  

*Yup, gotta like that Putin fella* 
“Wave of the future” as US Amb. to England 
Joseph Kennedy Senior once said about 
Hitler’s Germany in 1940. 

Kennedy was forced to resign.  Giuliani? 
Just got sued for $148,000,000 for defamation. 
Rude boy Giuliani, former Big Pharma
oversupply opioid lobbyist.  

Earlier in 2014 also saw Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan 
of TAC, “The American Conservative” and 
Franklin Graham all praising Putin’s (cough) 
“moral” and “Christian” leadership.  

Putin says he’s Christian.  Barack Obama is Christian.  Evangelist Pastor Franklin Graham believed Putin not President Obama. 

Franklin Graham The Righteous didn’t get away 
with it when he said it on the “Morning Joe” 
show.  He got much deserved push back
making him, in therapy-speak, “uncomfortable.”

In 2022, “Christian” Putin bombed a Ukrainian 
maternity hospital.  Pastor Graham might excuse 
that as “fog of war” unfortunate “collateral damage.”  
Or maybe say the ward was “a secret biowar 
laboratory.”  Or whatever the Mike Flynn Q
“Chosen Few” pretend is true this week. 

Graham might join Ray McGovern and John
Mearsheimer and blame NATO “provocation.”  
And even use Russian talking points about 
“Ukraine fascists.”  NATO is defensive to
counter flagrantly expansionist Russia. 

I heard YT *Pastor* Ray McGovern flooding
the zone with bs without shame regarding 
“Ukraine Fascists.”  Plenty of leftover 
bureaucrats just like Putin in Ukraine.  Pro-
Russia Ukrainian traitors were fired by Zelenskyy. 

Ray McGovern is ex-CIA.  Playing a role? 
Or forced to play after publicly going after 
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld back in the day? 

“Isolation” of Russia is one of the reasons why 
Russia invaded.  Isolation and invasion are the 
only things that can save Russian, Chinese, 
NoKo, Iran, Vz autocracies.  None can allow 
open internet puncturing of their tender oligarch 
bubbles.  Mafia state paranoid Putin and the 
fiction of Chinese “purity” is rendered “safe.”  

AND there will be no Russian isolation.  
They have Belarus, China, Brazil, Turkey, 
Venezuela, Hungary, Iran, India and will have 
the U. S. “Christian Nationalist” Marge Greene 
Trump Republicans to count on.  Cutting/ blocking Ukraine aid.  Republicans can easily make cosmetic changes if future alignments with Russia become untenable.  Even for them. 

Republicans have been saying the “we’re with you comrades” quiet part out loud.  Via Fox News and 
MAGA media.

This, it’ll be claimed, will be “saving our 
womens and *chillens* from deviant “woke” 
“gay gay gay” (replaced by guns guns guns) 
CRT influences that “do harm” and make 
“conservative” Religious Nationalists “uncomfortable.”   

What events of the year 2013 gave Guiliani, 
Ron Paul and Franklin Graham the nerve to go 
public in support of Putin in 2014?  Was it contractor Edward Snowden giving away the NSA store?  

(Say not such ‘unnice mean’ things about 
“civil libertarian” “hero” Snowden protecting 
the homeland and American right to privacy bla bla bla) 

Snowden is a now Russian citizen like a modern 
day Kim Philby of the WWII Cambridge 5 rat 
variety.  (I called Snowden’s Russian citizenship 
years before it actually happened)

A Snowden amnesty is a possibility if P45,
becomes P47.   

Amnesty for J6 convicts?  Many turned in by their families and employers when seen in DC on TV 
or on social media.  Turning in their own fathers 
and mothers as traitors.  Which they were. 

“Civil Libertarian” ex-Special Forces Snowden 
with movie star optics had plenty of help from 
“admirers” like Glenn Greenwald and was likely 
helped along the way by Rand Paul, Ron Paul 
and Intel people with loyalties like those of indicted 
and pardoned retired Lt. General Michael Flynn.  

Wondering what happened to Snowden 
back in his Special Forces days.  Besides
an injured leg.  Something much nastier?

Flynn was fired in 2014 by James Clapper 
during the Obama administration.  Flynn was 
Director of the National Defense Agency.

A leading liberal TV host actually held out 
hope that Flynn might be a mole and turn 
against Trump Republicans.  IOW, Flynn
as another General Butler from 1930’s.  Nope. 

Ex-CIA, Ray McGovern uses the French 
pronunciation of Putin's name “Poutine” 
out of “the deepest respect” and “an 
abundance of caution.”  Which might also
mean there’s some hope for him.  Nope. 

(In the 1600’s Russia had no written language.  
The Russ educated wrote in French) 

The Russian local internet was polluted and turned 
upside down decades ago.  At the same time, 
“Poutine” turned his attention to the world beyond Russia's borders for similar results.  Succeeding 
in red state America.  And parts of RW Brooklyn. 

None of that is new.  
We do not now live in a post fact, post truth 
world despite 15 years of You Tube video 
and comment manipulation of YT’s algorithm 
by Russian troll armies, Markoff Chain/AI bot
comments, Alex Jones, David Icke, the Q-Cumber 
religious far right and Steve Bannon, Breitbart and 
RW Hasbarists. 

Along with:
Fox News, Newsmax, Gateway Pundit, InfoWars, 
Grey Zone, Daily Caller, Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire, 
Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, the old “TI” targeted individuals, Mandela Effect gang-stalking BS crew 
still on YT.  

Joe Rogan can talk his way out of anything.  
He can talk with “conviction” that he never 
voted right wing before 2016.  He pushes his 
MMA brand which always sounds more reasonable 
than the Alex Jones version of the world.  A 
successful comedian radio host for good reason
despite being depicted in an Academy Award 
winning comedy in boxers and tie impaled
on a butt plug. 



The main 2007 US recession predators 
were subprime real estate loan companies 
like Roland Arnall's Ameriquest Corporation
and his infamous cocaine boiler-room fraud 
based mortgage factories. 

In Michael W. Hudson’s excellent book on 
the 2007 disaster, “The Monster,” Arnall 
was Bush’s number one single campaign 
contributor in 2004.  With *Cheney/ Bush’s* 
help Arnall easily stayed ahead of fines by 
Democratic state Attorney’s General. 

Arnall’s Ameriquest sponsored GW Bush’s old 
Texas Rangers baseball team.  Their stadium was “Ameriquest Field” until scandals and fines forced 
a name change.  

The Thomas Pynchon novel and Paul Thomas 
Anderson (Licorice Pizza) movie “Inherent Vice” 
had an elusive 1970’s real estate developer and 
drug dealer named Mickey Wolfmznn played by
Eric Roberts.  

IMO, *Wolfmann* was an obvious fictional 
1970’s reference to what later became 
“The Monster” aka, Arnall’s fraud based loans
degrading the California and national mortgage 
economy long before 2008.  Roland Arnall’s 
mortgage loan contracts were securitized by 
Lehman Brothers.   

Shadow bank Lehman Bros. knew the Ameriquest mortgage loans were designed to default.  Desperate 
to securitize and sell fraud, Lehman wasn’t bailed 
out in 2008.  They were rightly sent straight into bankruptcy. 

Arnall was appointed by Bush as Ambassador
to Luxembourg.  Then Senator Obama voted against.  
A convenient way for Arnall to move his three
billion fraud based fortune out of the country.  
Arnall “died” in early 2008 just before the 
bank bailout disaster that he helped create.

VP, Dick Cheney found out what was going
on as early as 2005.  The FBI reported that
subprime lending was a “threat to the economy.” 
Cheney let it happen and was glad to dump 
the “Great Recession” on President Obama and
VP Joe Biden in Nov, 2008. 

Dick Cheney, father of Liz, as previously 
mentioned, was wrong in predicting only 
four years for Obama.  

The 2012 Republican challenger for President
against Obama, Mitt Romney could not even 
read his own Benghazi press release soon after
the Sept. 2012 attack on the US embassy in Libya. 

My guess, U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Stevens 
turned down a CIA escort through a Benghazi 
embassy back window.  He likely didn’t trust 
the CIA whose compound was nearby.  He 
wouldn’t take the chance of being captured.  
He almost was.  He was incapacitated via smoke inhalation in the embassy and later died as a result.  

I remember the Benghazi aftermath and 
the dozens of fake news websites going crazy 
about future Presidential candidate and
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  

And he the private life and death of Amb. Stevens.  
Even I knew most of it came from real and
fake English language Russian and the U.S. 
religious and secular RW.

No hostages meant no 2012 September election 
surprise to match Reagan’s Iranian hostage 
“October Surprise” when defeating incumbent 
President Carter.  No hostages…

…and no wonder Romney couldn’t read his 
own press release.  Obama won the last 
debate with Romney and his second term.
(Obama didn’t really need moderator help) 
Romney in 2024 comes out against Trump 
but now *says* Biden should pardon 45.

Four people including Ambassador Stevens 
were killed in Benghazi in 2012.  Two Americans 
died in 2014 from Ebola.  

These American deaths were considered 
cataclysmic and world shattering by Republicans.  
I remember CNN’s Wolfe Blitzer’s deliberately
panicked shrieking voice during the Ebola crisis. 
Hey, “it’s a business” to quote Blitzer.

I also remember the previously mentioned 
Dr. Ben Carson’s 2014 interviews on Fox News 
and Fox Biz.  Warning about terrorists putting 
Ebola contaminated urine in U.S. drinking water.  
Carson looked sadder than usual.  Like he’d 
sampled the terrorist Koolaid himself. 

Those interviews were made to scare Fox News 
voters into voting for GOP Congressional majorities.  Which they did. 

How many U.S. deaths can be attributed
to the 2021 anti-vaccine Republicans with 
MD’s like Ben Carson?  163,000?  The U.S. 
closed in on over a million deaths in 2023 long 
after vaccine availability.  R’s blamed vaccines 
and Biden, depending on their degree of desperation. 

One million deaths are said to be an undercount.
Especially when Yale Law School “genius” 
Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Gov. Abbott
of Texas are providing the stats.  Florida and
Texas Republican states surpassed NYS in
total virus deaths.  NRA moved its base to Texas.
Mexico brings NRA to court for flooding Mexican 
cartels with AR’s and ammo. 

Propublica on Northshore Labs:
That had all their 2020 Nevada COVID-19 tests 
coming back as negative.  And compensated 
via insurance and the government.  No 
wonder people claimed the virus was a hoax.  
Deliberately fake negative lab results contributed
to the spread of COVID-19 and the spreading 
memetic virus of RW lies. 

Broadcaster Joe Rogan, the 5’4” MMA 
announcer and very rich radio host contracted 
COVID-19 and *said* he took everything 
in the medicine cabinet including Ivermectin.   

Between anti-vax and effectively pro-COVID
word bombers Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson 
at least one of the two were likely vaccinated.  
That, despite denials, might be *ucker C.  One 
of them claims they voted for Kan”Ye” West 
for President in 2020.  That also would be *vcker C.

The other one, Rogan, was “serious” for at least 
one 2020 show about supporting pro-Putin 
(unofficially) Democratic presidential candidate, 
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. 

Joe Rogan is depicted in the 2022 comedy, 
“Everything Everywhere All At Once” as the 
bald MMA guy in white shirt and boxer shorts
empaled on a butt plug.  A much deserved 
tribute to roid raging skinhead Rogan.  Who
might see it as multiverse “cellar door” *wizdumb.*

I and others labeled “incapable” Trump’s 
2020 COVID response as sabotage.  The 
MSM preferred the word incompetence.  
Refusing to associate Trump’s 2020 COVID 
*response* (not the virus) as revenge for 
the Dec. 2019 House of Representative 
Impeachment vote by Democrats.  
Leaving plenty of time…

…for 30,000+ early 2020 *NYS* COVID19 
blue state deaths.  An indirect *unplanned* 
extraction of revenge for the House of 
Representative December 2019 Impeachment 
two months before February 2020 when the 
pandemic hit the U.S. 

Trump couldn’t repeal ACA Obamacare.
But because Trump Bolton Republicans 
defunded and dismantled Obama’s  
pandemic preparation.  Because Trump 
and Jared Kushner refused to govern, 
nurses and doctors were forced to scavenged 
gear, N95’s 😷  and tests while confronting 
continuously coughing contagious sick patients 
in 2020 when vaccines weren’t yet available.  
When just the act of nasal testing triggered even 
more uncontrollable coughing. 

Nurses had to wear two layers of masks
while being cursed at and threatened by 
RW Karen’s and Chud COVID-19 
infected patients. 

Trump knew.  His intel team knew how 
transmissible the virus was in February
and March 2020 despite what China and
the World Health Org said or didn’t say.  

Imagine trying to even summarize a virus 
intel report on China to someone like 
Trump?  Not possible. 

On January 6, 2021 J6 “Fight Club” domestic 
terrorists stormed the DC US Capitol to kill/
kidnap Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence.

Officer Daniel Hodges testifying at the first
J6 Committee hearing:

Left out of the J6 carnage were members of Michigan’s militia caught in 2020 planning 
to kidnap Michigan’s Governor Gretchen 
Whitmer.  In total, four of six convicted.  

The Michigan Militia might have been
watching J6 on prison TV grinding their jaws…

…that they were missing out on the “fun.”  

Which for them meant not getting to 
lounge in Peloci’s office while attempting 
to reinstall someone, that they conceive  
to be one of their own, bar, restaurant, 
hotel, casino owner DJT.

Who (they dreamt) would stop government 
mandated vaccine proofs.  Bars and grills,
hotels and gym’s could then “finally be free.” 
Free from the “Big Government Fauci CDC.”  

IOW, bars, grills, gym owners in big debt 
to landlords, banks and gangland. 
Who compared pandemic mandates 
to 1930’s gold star persecution of Jews.  

Richard Grannon and Sam Vaknin were
among the many psych advice YT 
influencers pushing the same RW bs
during the pandemic.  Now hypno-voiced 
Vaknin is very “reasonable” non-political. 

Republican moderates Thomas Mann and 
Norm Ornstein rightly singled out their own 
Republican party as rogue and anomalous 
years before Trump’s arrival.  Both “cancelled” 
as RINO’S for being so darned truthfully moderate. 

Going from Cheney, Bush and Roland Arnall 
to their fellow obscurants, Trump, Stephen Miller, Bannon, Sessions, Flynn, Boebert, Stone, Manifort, Gaetz, Marge Greene, and ex-AG William Barr 
wasn’t much of a stretch.