
Sunday, January 7, 2024


And Where To Find Them…

Half serious center left related/ unrelated
variations on Russian, Republican Religious 
Nationalist *Cthulhu Caucus* Psy-war alignments. 

Titles stay with relevant current *TweeX’s* 

Any *Duuhnning* Kruger decoherence 
and misspelling can only be mere coinci-

Visual DSM-5 placebo for any gaslighting 
“deep thinker” using Wayback Archive software 
in connection with this mess of a blog…

Since seeing McKenna Grace apart 
from “Ghostbusters Frozen Empire”…
only one NYC mini EARTHQUAKE 
and only one Solar Eclipse.  

Burn After Seeing.
Funny like a bunny…


60 Minutes, China, Havana Syndrome, 
after all this time, isn’t a syndrome but is still
considered a deep dark mystery of current history. 

Rapture Ready “Pagan” “Earth Day” 
and warm ocean whatever weather.  Some
climate projections trending away from disaster? 

Rick Wilson from early April 2024:
We can stop this eclipse, but only if 
Mike Pence has the courage.

Rick Wilson again: The old gypsy woman 
warned them not to bury Ivana there…

@AnnaBower: Wait so you’re telling me 

the epicenter of the New York City 

earthquake was…Trump National Golf 

Club in Bedminster??

Deep Thinking Sarah Cooper to the rescue:

Ex-Mormon Matthew Scheffeld: Talking 

to Trumpsuper fans about politics is 

often surreal experience. And that's because they literally do not understand 

what you are talking about.

Why is that? Because Trump devotees 

actually believe that truth derives from 

authority rather than reality...

Well, which reality is that?

The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum to the 

rescue: Autocrats in China, Russia, and 

elsewhere are now making common cause 

with MAGA Republicans to discredit 

liberalism and freedom around the world.

Applebaum on Maddow’s show

“Here is a difficult truth: A part of the 

American political spectrum is not 

merely a passive recipient of the combined authoritarianism narratives that come from Russia, China, and their ilk, but an active participant in creating and spreading them."

"Like the leaders of those authoritarian countries, the American MAGA right also 

wants Americans to believe that their 

democracy is degenerate, their elections illegitimate, their civilization dying."

From Russian Trump Republican Religious 

Nationalist Cultish Politics to “Midsommar”:

Many need authoritarian “truth.  

“Christian” Russia, Communist China,

Iran and Islamist Taliban Afghanistan

but not….

Florida Man from Iran and his

Hamster Bubble Wheel of Doom.

Molly McKew:

“And you’re drinking my blood, which I’m 

not even charging you for”

Kind of perfection, this 

(Doonesbury, Garry Trudeau) 


Unfortunate reality…

(parentheses mine)


Who’s funding RFK Jr? 

Who’s funding No Labels? (-Joe Lieberman)

Who’s funding Cornel West? (Green Party)

Who’s funding Dean Phillips? Xxx

Who’s funding Marianne Williamson? Xxx

Who cares??  W’hale…

3rd, 4th Party 

“No Labels” and Green Party 

voter manipulation is

the only way, 

77YO Trump gets to say, 

he’s been reelected Pres-o-dent 

of the “United Shaytes.”

February 2024 Riveting Headline News:

“Do you actually need a night cream?”

Here’s what experts shay.

Experts Are Needed, use liberally with caution…

Duncan Jones, movie director

and son of David Bowie on ex-

eXpert Elon: Very exciting to 

see Elon Musk set a big reveal 

date for Tesla robotaxi and all 

the dramatic changes that that 

could spell!  An auspicious date!  

August 8th!  Very portentous and 

filled with good fortune, according 

to Chinese numerology!

Of course, according to Western 

numerology, August 8th is better 

known as 88, or in white supremacy-

land, code for “Heil Hitler,” but I’m 

sure Elon never, NEVER meant to 

tap into that dank troll.)

(To non-existent non-readers:

Special K Elon went to China.  Tesla 

jumped 40+points in a matter of daz) 

Jumping From Elon To Taiwan:

Ten Years Ago…
Obama’s 2014 WH Correspondents Dinner
Anger Mgmt. vs “CNN’s Two Week Non-
Stop” Wolf Blitzer Panicked Ebola Coverage.

2014 also saw FUBAR Fox News contributor 
Dr Ben Carson’s ‘terrorists could put Ebola 
urine in US drinking water’ interviews on 
Fox News, Fox Business.

It worked,
Nov, 2014, Republicans assumed control 
of Congress.  Leading to HRC’s defeat 
in 2016.  With Putin’s help.  Ben Carson’s 
Ebola interviews scrubbed.  Fear and 
Doom Mission Accomplished. 

During the Obama administration
there were two US Ebola deaths.  

Four 2012 Benghazi Embassy fatalities
                  after inheriting the   
Bush/ Cheney Iraq, AfPak wars/ occupation's… 
Plus Bush/ Cheney 2007 “Great Recession” 
and 2008 bank bailouts.  

The latter a repeat of 1989’s Republican 
bailout of 2000 S&L banking institutions.  
Nationally but mostly in Texas.  

These two banking institution bailouts 
were not called socia*lust* by Republicanos. 

After Trump negotiated the 2020 release 
of 5000 Taliban prisoners including the 
Taliban leader, Biden and NATO were 
stuck with last minute airlifting thousands 
of loyal Afghan’s, US equipment and planes.  
With predictable US, Afghan lose of life.

Did Julian Assange actually hack and 
release names of those involved in the 
Afghan diaspora?  So they could be hunted? 
Assange still fighting US extradition.

2014, Obama’s Virus Preparation…

“five years or a decade from now…”  

2014 plus 5 years?  2019, CoV-19 hits China.

April of 2018, Trump replaced Security Advisor 
Michael Flynn with John Bolton.  May 2018, 
Adm. Zeimer’s global health team was disbanded.  

December 2019, Trump impeached by House of Representatives. 

Scopes fact check: “…Trump administration 
axed the executive branch team responsible 
for coordinating a response to a pandemic 
and did not replace it…”

Estimated 2020 Trump/ Kushner fatalities?

Trump, Mike Johnson, *ucker, Alex Jones, RFKJr, National Review, 
National Enquirer, 
Religious Nationalists blame…vaccines and everyone else.

2023, US led the *developed* world in total 
CoV-19 deaths.  Mainly due to anti-vaccine 
Russian Republican propaganda and Orange 
Genius, Kushner, Carson, Carlson, Fox News, Religious Nationalist political psychopathy.

Stephen King: Sooner or later these 

superstitious idiot arguing over religion 

are going to get us all killed.

Jameel Jaffer

If a pro-Palestinian student had done this, 

it would have been labeled a terrorist attack, 

the president would have denounced it, 

Brett Stephens would have written eight 

columns about it, and Congress would 

already have resurrected the Alien and 

Sedition Acts.👇🏻



UNREAL Right wing pro-Israeli terrorism 

comes to NYC: "NYPD have arrested 

Reuven Kahane, 57, cousin of the 

infamous extremist rabbi Meir Kahane...

after he allegedly rammed anti-Israel 

protesters in Manhattan." Has terrorist 

Kahane movement formed in US?!





Patrick S Tomlinson @stealthygeek:

“Without Obamacare, everyone 

who's had Covid  would now have a 

disqualifying pre-existing condition.

In case you forgot how lucky we are.”

Patrick S Tomlinson: 

Welcome to SCOTUS with an 

enforceable Code of Ethics;

Amy Coney Barrett: I was nominated 

by a man who's on criminal trial for 

stealing the 2016 election via fraud 

and is the defendant in this immunity 

case. It's not clear my appointment 

was even legitimate. I must recuse.

Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD 1/n: Three facts:

1. Covid vaccines saved 3 million American 

lives during the pandemic. 

2. At least 200,000 Americans needlessly 

died in 2021-22 because they refused 

COVID vaccines.

3. Those who perished were victims of a predatory health disinformation campaign.


Apr 27

The talk show host pushed back on RFK Jr.’s baseless claims that the vaccine doesn’t work.


Below are the top 20 states in order 

of Covid deaths per million people. 

Very nearly all of them are Republican-run. 

The top ten are AZ, WV, MS, TN, 

NM, MI, AR, FL, AL, and KY.

With OK at the top, here are the states 

with the highest rates of *long COVID* 

in adults:

Oklahoma: 34.1%

Montana: 33.8%

Alabama: 31.7%

Arkansas: 30.8%

ND: 30.6%

Ohio: 30%

Wyoming: 29.7%

SD: 29.5%

WV: 29.4%

Indiana: 28.7%” 


Mark Pitcavage:

Study reveals that the seven states with the highest rate of incidents of long COVID are 

all red states. The lowest are all blue states.

Trump R’s must distract from those facts:

“Flood the zone with BS” is the RW 

Steve Bannon “conservative” Religious 

Nationalist MAGA media response.

Joe Conason:

Someone please explain how this sleazy 

crook #SteveBannon gets to complain 

about other people's alleged (and totally 

fake) "crimes."  Lock em up, Steve? You're 

only out of prison on a blackmail pardon. 

And that may be temporary.

With enough Heritage, Claremont 

money to finance a mirror-world 

fake projected “reality” where the 

left are said to be threats to democracy:



“W’hale, both Party’s lie, so who 

ya gonna believe?  Huh?”

If you come from a “traditional” 

Alex Jones J6 bs spitball culture, 

you're not going to accept Biden.


Steve Bannon admits to “flooding the zone

with BS.”  Republicans and *ucker repeat 

Russian RT, Sputnik “horseshoe” LW, RW

Greyzone, Elon, NAR Dominionist propaganda. 

2024 Infrastructure and Healthcare 

cyber attacks by Russia, China, Iran, 

North Korea autocracies that cannot 

coexist alongside countries with open internet.

China can’t allow TikTok domestically. 

GPS navigation satellite spoofing and

hacking affecting aircraft and shipping 

is old news.

Olga Lautman: Russia has been 

conducting these GPS jamming 

attacks since last December. We are 

now in late April and not a thing has 

been done. I’m not sure what NATO 

is waiting for.

Markus Jonsson


The foreign ministers of all three Baltic 

states are now linking the Russian 

GPS jamming with risks of an air 

disaster. During weekend, the jamming 

forced two Finnish flights to turn 

around and the Tartu - Helsinki line is 

now under threat of closing.

@JamesFLoveIV: Breaking: U.S. 

Cybersecurity Hacked Systems Offline

CISA hit by hackers, key systems taken offline.


Unrelated but related:

@DrEricDing: Fact—“The largest cause 

of deaths among police officers in 2021” 

was…. #COVID19….301 COVID-related 

fatalities, more than all other causes 

of deaths for police officers combined!

👉🏻@PLSgetserious: In 1932 Hitler ran 

for Reich President against Hindenburg. 

He lost by 6 million votes. Hitler challenged 

the validity of the election. He went to court 

to have the results annulled. He lost in court 

but continued to claim he won. 

Sound familiar?

Hillary Clinton won 2016’s popular vote.  
Had she won in the Electoral College, the
Republican controlled Congress would’ve 
likely tried impeaching her over 2012’s 
Benghazi four deaths at the US embassy 
in Libya while Clinton was Secretary of State.

“Black Swan” Benghazi-like events?
Not as bad as 2020’s viral ‘double number.’
Hamas Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.  
Israel kills thousands in Gaza and plays 
victim.  While winking at Putin.  Haaratz 
does OpEd’s and thoudanss of Israelis 
demonstrate against Netanyahu and his 
government.  Bibi tries not to roll his eyes 
in mockery. 

Havana Syndrome?  In Cuba, China and DC? 
Who cares?  

I does care.  Auh mean auh do.  Not about
Havana Syndrome aliens, UFO’s, demons 
or even Russians.

The March 31, 2024 “60 Minutes” 

report on 2016 microwave attacks 

on US and Canadian diplomats in Havana 

b’cast on March 31st, the night before 

April 1st, Alex Jones FUBAR Fool’s Day. 

No conspiracy, just innocent coincidence.-(

Ex-CIA Officer who wasn’t 

in Havana when he was “hit,” 

Marc Polymeropoulos:

This seems new and notable:  

"new information about the Pentagon's 

global investigation into these mysterious incidents. For the first time, sources tell 

60 MINUTES they have evidence that a 

U.S. adversary may be involved.

(Multiple governments have the capability)

Ex-CIA John Silber: “Removing this many 
capable American spies and diplomats from 
active service…and without your main adversary 
even admitting they’ve done so — such a…
campaign would easily count as one of 
Vladimir Putin’s greatest strategic victories 

against the [US]…”

(HS, just before Trump became P45. 
Coincidences happen all the time)

Sen. Chris Murphy

on 2024 candidate Trump:

“It's why Trump's former National 

Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, said 

something today that is as shocking 

as it is unsurprising. He said Trump 

is "aiding and abetting" Putin's 

interference campaign…

Vlad “The Impaler” Putin’s 2016
Havana Syndrome master strategy?
Or maybe not?  

CIA’s “mass hysteria” “faulty security,” 
“Cuban crickets/ cicadas in mating season?
And similar reported response nonsencical “explanations.”  Weirder than the events 
they described.  But …

…can be ascribed to complicated 
diplomatic trade logistics etc.

My Minority Report: Canadian
and US State Department diplomats 
in Havana, Cuba were hit by pulsed 
sonic/ microwave DEW neuro-attacks 
possibly by Russia…

or possibly…
US private defense contractors.  
Like those Bush administration officials
during the Iraq war who refused to deal 
with Bush43’s Colin Powell State Dept 
or even the CIA.

The DOD and VP Dick Cheney utilized 
their own version of the CIA (Lt Gen. Flynn)
in order to implement fake Iraqi WMD and
very real de-Ba-athification non-stop kill 
missions long before Obama’s Sec. of State, 
Hillary Clinton and her State Dept diplomats.

Imagine those same US contractors looking 
to close the Havana Cuba US embassy that
Obama had the audacity to reopen.

Inflicting serious physical and psych 
non-fatal injury to Canadian and Hillary’s
State Dept diplomats.  With tech, that 
in 2016 was likely no longer experimental. 

(The Q”Chosen Few” ask a Q-uestion:
Blaming the US?  Wut-are-ya, some 
kind-o-commie beatnik or something? Huh?)

Cognitive dissonance?  Alex Jones weirdness?
Like 2019’s Trump/ Pentagon China spy 
balloon fake UFO BS.  Or the MAGA 
Marge GR33N3’s fabricated alt universe…

And since nobody’s reading…

Richard Ashcroft, Cold Play and
black helicopters over Manhattan’s
Mad. Sq. Park re campus demonstrations.
NYPD, FBI and DHS on alert.  That’s life…

The TrumPutin arrangement doesn’t 
repeat but does rhyme with pre-WWII 
1930’s “America First” Charles Lindbergh, 
DuPont, Prescott Bush gold fanatic isolationists 
doing business and acting as *unofficial* Hitler 
propagandists trying to stop Roosevelt’s entry 
into WWII. 

Neil Finn, Eddie Vedder History Doesn’t Repeat
repeat repeat repeat each time I fall asleep:

Imagine Democrats dealing with Lindbergh 
DuPont, Prescott Bush 2024 equivalents?  
Elon, Thiel, Sacks “tech bros.” 

Speaking of Flynn and Mad MTGreene
cooperation with Russia, how did we 
arrive at 2024 Republican IQ45? 

Roy Cohn, 1950’s gay John Birch Society

Democrat and Trump mob lawyer/ enforcer.

Trump was also a Democrat.  Service and

school integration saw Southern “Dixiecrats” turned Republican.  

Then there was Rep Samuel Dickstein, 

NYS 1950’s RW “anti-commie” Democrat…

David Troy:

It is a surprising, fun fact that Rep. 

Samuel Dickstein, who shifted 

House un-American activities 

inquiries from Nazis to include 

communists, paving the way for 

McCarthyism, was himself a paid 

agent of the USSR's NKVD.

Roy Zimmerman’s “Token” disrespect 

during the Trump years needless To say:


MAGA Daz with the late George Carlin vs 45’s 
grab-em-by-the-eeha: (With Robert DeNiro) 

Brooklyn, NYC’s Italian Russian Trump 
Republican Transnational Crime:

2024, DNC Lawyer Marc Elias: There are no moderate Republicans in Congress. Just 
proud MAGA and scared MAGA.

Sen. Mitt Romney spends $5000 a day 

on security.  That he barely notices.  

Because of gun country NRA militia  

“conservative” Trump voter threats. 

Republican Romney voted to impeach 45.  Romney won’t run for reelection.  His granddaughter Ronna McDaniel will no 

longer be Republican Party Chairwoman.  

Lara Trump is now Republican Co-Chair.  

The Republican Party is DJT Inc and

“Project 2025” Heritage Religious Nationalist. 

Ex-Republican David Frum: If Trump 

returns to office, he will:

1) Wreck the US legal system to escape consequences of his crimes and frauds;

2) Betray Ukraine and destroy NATO;

3) Wage trade wars and capsize the world economy. 

Latest in 


Who is Scott Ritter pictured below?

Ex-US weapons inspector, sex offender and

now working for Russian state sponsored 

Sputnik News:



Gary Kasperov: When Trump & his 

supporters started repeating Russian propaganda in 2015-16, I made a 

simple point: Many parties can arrive independently at the same truth, but 

not at the same lie. As with MAGA, 

Musk, et al now, repeating the same 

Ukraine falsehoods is an op, not a 


Anne Applebaum: Given that the Russians famously repress evangelical Christians, in Russia and in occupied Ukraine, this is extraordinary. She can't have heard this by accident and she can't be repeating it because she thinks it is true.…

Gary Kasparov: Anne's question is the 

correct one, and should not be taken 

lightly by US counterintelligence. A member 

of Congress is spreading enemy propaganda 

to weaken the security of the US & its allies. 

Find the source. It’s not just Tucker, as hard 

as he’s trying to betray his country..

Jay in Kyiv: Marjorie Taylor Greene 

stretches the capabilities of that single orangutan brain cell to recite the most 

ridiculous piece of Russian disinfo yet.

Jay in Kyiv: While Russia is ACTUALLY 

murdering Ukrainian priests…



Jay in Kyiv: Spanish Inquisition level torture, forced conversion to Russian Orthodoxy are being perpetrated on Baptists, Pentecostals, 

Catholics and Ukrainian Orthodox members 

in Russian occupied areas of Ukraine.

A Ukrainian priest recounts his brutal 

torture in which Moscow Patriarch…

Show more


Russia has now wiped out all the 

Catholic priests in occupied Ukraine.

Back To Marge Taylor Greene:

Imagine Republicans like MTG in the US

Congress who can barely keep from 

reaching for concealed whatever: pistols, 

pills: oxycodone, meth, roids?

“Flooding the zone” with “bold” audacious 

“paranoid style” MTG bs is the only way to

get attention in the crowded field of 

“mainstream” “conservative” J6 politics.


MAGA Good Old Daz: 

1856, a Confederate Senator cained 

a Northern Senator nearly to death 

in 1856 pre-Civil War days:

Imagine Republican Florida state 

legislators controlled by Gov. DeSantis, 

Sen. Rick Scott and Rep. Matt Gaetz?

Ex-Republican, Ron Filipkowsky:

Florida raised the age to purchase an 

AR-15 from 18 to 21 after the Parkland 

massacre. Now it’s going back to 18. 

Because what we really need is to make 

it easier for 18 year olds to get ARs.

Ron Filipkowski: FL has the highest 

inflation in the country over the last 

12 months and in the worst 5 states 

it’s roughly double every other state. 

All 5 have Republican Governors (FL, 

TN, VA, SC, AL). But it’s never their fault.


The main reason for CVS, Walgreens 

drug stores closings across the US?

Millions in opioid fines nationally… 

but especially, guess where?  Florida, 

where the opioid pandemic and untold

corruption started.

Judd Legum: (1-7)

1@Publix is the largest political donor in 


Between 2016 and 2022, Publix has doled 

out $10.6 million to Florida politicians

Last year, Publix donated $3.2 million

It's paying off

Big time.

2. From 2011 to 2019, the number of 

opioid prescriptions dispensed by 

pharmacies in Florida declined by 56%


 went in a different direction

The number of oxycodone sold at 

Publix went from 26 million pills in 

2011 to 43.5 million pills in 2019

3. By 2019, 


 became the second-largest distributor 

of oxycodone in Florida, surpassing CVS 

trailing only Walgreens

Publix allegedly "filled prescriptions from 

'cash-only' pain clinics or written by 

physicians hundreds of miles away 

w/no license to practice in Florida"

4. In November 2018, then-Florida 

Attorney General Pam Bondi (R), 

sued CVS and Walgreens.

The complaint noted that CVS and 

Walgreens were "dispensing extremely 

large amounts of opioids from their retail pharmacy stores in Florida."


 was not included

5. Ashley Moody (R) became Florida's 

Attorney General in 2019. In 2022, 

Walgreens and CVS settled with the 

Attorney General's office, paying the 

state $440 million and $630 million, 


6. Florida never sued Walmart. But it 

still negotiated a $215 million 

settlement with Walmart


 sold about twice as much oxycodone as Walmart in Florida

But Moody never sued them and there has been no settlement

Moody will not explain why

7. @Publix

 has donated $125,000 directly to Moody


 donated $8,000


 donated nothing



Ex-Republican Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe:

Qatar funneled billions of dollars to Hamas 

with Netanyahu & Trump’s knowledge & 

support. Netanyahu approved more 

Hamas funding a month before the 

October 7th attack, all while weakening 

Israeli defenses against terrorism. ⁦

On the other side of the world,

Noah Smith: China builds two new coal

plants per week. That's six times as much

I as the entire rest of the world COMBINED.”

(Like wet markets, coal is part of 

China’s “traditional culture.”) 

Dave Roberts 

On Why Coal Is The Worst:


Good News From Derek Thomson:

Good decarb news from world's advanced economies: - Carbon emissions have fallen to 1973 levels - For first time ever, electricity generation from renewables + nuclear 

reached 50% - Total coal demand is now 

down at *1903 levels*

Steven Rattler:

In 2022, the murder rate in NYC was 5.2 

per 100K residents.  Alabama? 10.9 per

100K residents.  More than twice as bad.


Population of New York City?  

* 8 million plus.

* Population of the entire State of Alabama?  

* 5 million plus. 

Steven Rattner: 

Trump claims that crime has surged 

under Joe Biden’s presidency. That’s false.

In 2023, the nationwide violent and property crime rates were lower than any year of

Trump’s presidency. 



Kurt Anderson: The states with 

smaller populations than New York City.




Sam Harris Making Sense of Israel:

03/21/24, So much “Hasbara” all of a sudden:
Haaretz OpEd “Explaining” Israeli Hasbara:

“Hasbara means that you don't have 

to ask yourself hard questions, just 

try to explain better what you already 

believe in.”

Kenneth Roth: Defending a state that is 
running a system of apartheid is not an 
easy task, especially when it now faces plausible...accusations that it is conducting 
a genocide. No amount of full-court hasbara 
can fully negate the visual images streaming 
out of Gaza."

Jumping back to 2017, 
When The Mess Met The Press: 

Back in 2018 history, when Trump Republicans 
controlled Congress, corporate tax cuts were 
the only major legislation passed.  Stock markets
and CEO’s were grateful.  Legislation that didn’t 
pay for itself while adding *trillions* to deficits.  
While controlling the presidency and both Houses 
of Congress, no major border legislation was passed. 

In contrast to Biden:

In late 2018 when Trump Republicans still
controlled Congress, *ucker Carlson pushed 
his new book on his old Fox News show.  
*ucker broke with the Murdoch Fox News brand
by attacking Trump as “incapable” of governing.

Frat-boy *ucker as “unbiased journalist” in 2018
only meant one thing, he had a book to push. 

(The Zeitgeist responds: “*ucker???”
“Hey person, hominid, man, cam, GPT…
no profundity, profanity or bad poetry.
No making fun of names ok?”  
Yup Mr Z, ya caught me, now follow 
your AI robot prescribed program and report me.-)

Ex-Republican Strategist,

Stewart Stevens 02/04/24: Like many 

traitors, Tucker Carlson feels rejected 

and unappreciated by the class he 

aspired to join. He was rejected by CIA. 

He wanted to be a serious writer and 

intellectual. Was fired by MSNBC, CNN, 

Tina Brown. Washed up at Fox. Then 

fired by FOX.  FOX.

Of course he’s in Moscow.

Tucker Carlson: “The city of Moscow…

It’s so much nicer than any city in my 

country…It’s so much cleaner, and 

safer, and prettier -esthetically-…

Than any city in the United States”

Bill Browder responds:

Tucker, Moscow hasn’t been safe for 

my friends Sergei Magnitsky, Boris 

Nemtsov or Vladimir Kara-Murza 

whose lives have been destroyed for 

criticising Putin. If you were Russian 

& said the same things about Putin 

that you say about Biden, you’d 

already be six feet under.

02/24 John Scott-Railton

The Tucker Carlson grocery price video 

(Russia is so cheap you'll be radicalized, 

folks!) is tragic & funny.

My guy, the grocery bill you're rhapsodizing about is ~SEVENTY PERCENT of a median Russian weekly salary (13.4k RUB) 



Jumping Again Back To 2017:
Non-politician Trump had been holding press 
conferences for decades.  How many decades?  
I don’t know.  Somebody told me that…

…Trevor Noah? 

“I believe in angels,

They move like a secret army…”

Lyrics like that mean you have to 

title your song…

The Zeitgeist Gestalt asks a 
Q: Is Hannah Hunt in the song below any 
relation to Ethan Hunt of the IMF, 
International Mission Monetary Something?”

A: W’hale, it Deepends…ask Stephen Miller
if Trump wears them?  And where the secret 
supply of Deepends are hidden.  For emergent 
Mission Unpossible “Black Swan” events.
Like Trump’s reelection.  

My tooth bridge displacement doesn’t qualify
but it explains this stuff…

Kim Guilfoyle as Trump Jr and Vlad 

“The Impaler” Putin’s Vampire Bride?  

Accepting her imaginary “Poor Things” 

Academy Award for best horror comedy.


The Vampire Weekend singer looks like a

Mustang Harry’s ex-bartender who thought 

he was Gloria Swan-song?  Or maybe 

“Renfield” Dracula’s butler eating the bugs 

opposite the ultimate narcissist, Vlad “The 

Impaler” Dracula played by Nick Cage: 

J6 was a Wednesday Vampire Weekday.

Creatures of the night showed up in white:

Scott Dworkin: Don’t let anyone lie 

about January 6th. It was an armed 

terrorist attack. Pipe bombs, guns, 

Molotov cocktails, stun guns, machetes, 

a crossbow, hockey sticks, baseball bats, flagpoles, pepper spray, bear spray, brass knuckles, scissors, needles, screwdrivers, 

and an axe. Over 1,200 arrested. 117 for 

bringing deadly weapons or assaulting 

police officers. Around 140 officers 

injured. Jan 6 was an armed terrorist attack.

John McCormack: [Rep]Nancy Mace on January 6: “Not only were our lives in 

danger, but if my kids were here their 

lives would have been in danger, too. 

The two most precious people in my life…. 

We need to hold the President [Trump] accountable.”

Republican Mace now endorses Trump.  


Congresswoman Elise Stefanik hiding 

from the ‘HOSTAGES’ on Jan 6 (2021)


Harvard’s Rep. Elise Stefanik wants to be

45’s VP.  Almost as badly as Vivek Ramaswamy.

JD Vance and Gov. Noem. 

Aussie Jim Jeffries on US “2nd-A” Freedumbs:

William Gibson: Tennessee law allowing 

teachers to carry concealed has me 

imagining which pistols exactly my 

own SW VA, TN-adjacent high school 

teachers would’ve chosen to pack.

Ronny Chieng’s 2023 Thanksgiving History: 

NYT regarding new weight drugs…
S. Carolina insurance paid for weight drugs
for 2800 state employees in 2021.  In 2023? 
25000 with $100 million paid out.  S. Carolina
will discontinue paying in 2024.  Except for diabetics.

Jackie Washington To The Rescue:
“Gotta put my shoes on, gotta get a move on…”

David Pakman, Sam Harris:

Zeitgeist Zeihen:

Roland Orzabal’s Hypnoculture via W. Africa: 

3/11/24, RIP Malachy McCourt age 92:

Saw him sing at Bryant Park in 2023. 

Authoritarian Hybrid Cognitive Warfare:

Musk, Thiel, Kurzweil and

the J6 MAGA Accelerando:

Jenny Cohn 1/16/24:

Lol. An Election Integrity Unit formed by Republicans in Virginia to bolster claims 

that the 2020 election was rigged against 

Trump instead “found that thousands of 

votes were undercounted for Biden and OVERCOUNTED FOR TRUMP in 2020.” 


Axios, 01/22/24:

“A $10 billion lawsuit that Mexico's 

government filed against American 

gun makers whose weapons it says 

are used by drug cartels can go ahead, 

a U.S. appeals court ruled today.”


NRA moved headquarters from NYS to Texas.

NRA weapons traffickers can depend 

on  Texas Governor Abbott to defend 

the NRA Alamo corporate fortress 

against all Neo-Confederate South of

the border cartel gun sales transgressions.  

02/17/24, Republican John Dean 

on Trump Judgements:



Passive Aggressive🇨🇳Wolf Warrior 
Performative Empire Diplomacy”:-(

William Yang:

Many Chinese are venting their 

frustration at the slowing economy 

and the weak stock market in an 

unconventional place: the social 

media account of the U.S. Embassy 

in #Beijing.

Chinese turn US embassy post into 

'Wailing Wall' for stock 

(Which used to be the case for 

Beijing citizens getting accurate air

quality readings.  From foreign embassies) 

Michael Ron Bowling:

China is the most sophisticated surveillance state in history, there is no way fentanyl distribution is going on without CCP 



Peter Schweizer:

From the NYPost on BLOOD MONEY


Meidas Touch: Marjorie Taylor Greene 
has been caught sending out emails 
and press releases to local newspapers 
in her district bragging about “securing 
funding” for a project in her district that 
she just voted against.


WATCH: Rep. @MaElviraSalazar

continues to take credit for projects 

brought to #FL27 made possible by 

bipartisan legislation she voted against 

like the CHIPS & Science Act and the 

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

When pressed by @CBSMiami

Salazar says she forgot how she voted.

(Shorter Salazar interview version)