
Friday, March 10, 2023


Introducing the repellant dark masterpiece
of banality, “Gang Stalkers, Satan's Robots.”  
Who, what, when, where and who cares why?
“Mike S" (S for ___?) looks a little sleep deprived. 

And just like my old boss, Tim D.  Who worked 
for a Brooklyn/ Albany “government” agency.

In the religious right weirdo video, Adam, 
Eve and Reptilians come at you in almost 
“reasonable,” understated, “authentic” tones.  
With real life examples to identify with.  
Then there’s the video second half…

…that gave “Robot” Mike’s channel 2200+
subscribers long before this blog.  How 
many are for sale silicon bot followers? 

Silicon based fake “followers” might be 
one way of making sure that Mike/ Tim
and countless RW channel owners stick 
to the “Robotic" religious nationalist anti-
vax TPUSA, Russian Republican party line. 

“Mike” does that and much more. 
Past the point of comedy or parody.  
“Mike” sees his enemy…in a mirror darkly.
It might somehow look familiar.  Almost like…
“good guy” Tim. 
Droll and sedate, this is one of many older 
honey trapped videos in the religious right,
Russian troll farm and defunct YT Alex
Jones and David Icke channels swamping
YT’s algorithm prior to the 2015, 2019 and 
2020 YT “upgrades.”  Mike/ Tim’s style is 
the exact opposite of Jones and Icke. 

How many who make “paranoid style” 
videos are paranoid?  How many are in
on the joke that is Religious Nationalist
audacious “bold” political BS?

My *unqualified* guess?  

The ones I describe are likely neither 
stupid nor paranoid.  That said, there 
are so many ‘unreliable narrators’ in the 
gang stalking “TI” targeted individual,
mind control Q-Categories who are or 
who *pretend* to be both stupid and 
paranoid for “likes” “subs” and to get in 
on the very real Republican, Religious 
Nationalist, endtime, “trickle-down,” all 
boats rise with the RW YT, Facebook 
advert/ follower monetization tide.

Robot Mike: 
“Mike S”/ Tim D might be giving everyone a 
not so subtle poker “tell” near the beginning 
of his video.  Or maybe he’s just scratching 
his head.  I’m guessing not about himself 
but about the nature of his message.  As I 
more or less previously stated regarding 
the “Paranoid Style”…

“It is the use of paranoid modes 
of expression by more or less 
normal people that makes the 
phenomenon significant.”
Politics”…Richard Hofstadter

Which for some means YT advert, non-
advert income.  4000 hours of view time 
and over 1000 subscribers qualifies.  If 
they can keep their anti-vax bs on the 
platform by pointing to outlier studies 
that support their positions.  

A common tactic by “Nursing Instructor,”
Dr. Campbell, actor comedian Russell 
Brand and too many others on YT. 

This “Mike S” pretender identifies with 
Pastor John Hagee, Russian Orthodox preachers,
with Dr Malone, Dr Atlas and ex-Dr Tenpenny (DO)
anti-vaxers.  Russian Hotep, Alexandr Dugin? 

How are John Hagee’s “Rapture Ready”
doing this these days?   Better than Max 
Blumenthal?  Who made the “Rapture Ready”
video attacking Hagee.  

Blumenthal easily won a debate on Israel
with conservative Ben Shapiro.  

Then came meetings in Russia, a Russian bride, 
then RW “Greyzone” popped out pretending 
to be beyond Western political narratives.

Max Blumenthal is what possibly happens 
when RNC, Mossad, Shin Bet, GRU, FSB 
take aim.  

There’s a video where Max mentions
weird outside construction drilling whenever
he was speaking.  

Max “We on the left” Blumenthal much 
later shows up on *ucker Carlson’s old 
Fox News show.  As a Bernie Sanders
Democrat.  Worse than Chris Hedges.

YT RW video side hustles by pretend/ 
real Religious Nationalist “Mike S” 
pollute the YT, FB, X, Instagram internet 
information narrative.  Many more use YT
BS as their main source of income.
Like cigarette industry grifting scientists 
back in the pre-YT MAGA “good old days.”  
Manufacturing cancer and doubt and 
eventual tobacco stock declines and 
Big Gov forced warning labels.  Smokers
would look at pro-cigarette “science”
and say, “who ya gonna believe?”

Big Gov outlawed Confederate slave economy.
Regulated the Southern tobacco economy, 
regulated oil, gas, coal, fracking and tried
regulating AR-15 assault rifles. 

New FDA “menthol” cigarette bans?
Bans soon to be challenged.  With claims
by big tobacco that menthol bans “unduly 
target black smokers?”

Who’s the biggest US polluter?  Besides Big Ag? 

Mike pays off student loans and bank debts by 
making English language fake gang-stalking 
“electronic harassment,” “TI,” targeted individual 
anti-vax, Mike Flynn QAnon "paranoid style” 
psy-war videos to degrade but not control YT,
FB and Elon’s Zombiefied TwiXer.

Blaming the US “Deep State” CIA, CDC, 
British MI8 and “Satanic” “mind controlling” 
Western governments.  Never the FSB, RT
or China’s CCP Global Times, MAGA media
flooding the info zone, US military bases and the 
world with bs.  

Guess who actually does gang stalking?  
Not Mike/ Tim but people who talk like him.  Seminarians of all faiths, JW, NAR religious 
nationalists and Oral Roberts disasters like 
Ken Copeland autocratic super rich Religious Nationalists.  And, of course, Scientology.  

Scibots are famous for hiring private 
agencies to harass/ drive ex-Scibots into 
either submission or worse.  The LDS access 
more insidious cost effective alternatives. 

Brits had David Icke, the US have Alex 
Jones and MAGA replacements, Mike Flynn, 
Nick Fuentes and thousands more posting 
pro-Trump, NRA and *unofficially* pro-
Russian pro-autocracy videos and fake 
forums attacking their own Biden government. 

I listened to AJ’s AM shows back in the 1980’s.  
UFO’s, ancient aliens, life on Mars Sci-fi novelty bs.  
Never bought the books or the merch or vitamins. 

RW’ers vs emigrants helped by Putin and 
Wagner mercenaries in the Sudan, Syria, 
EU, Ecuador, Vz and Southern US border.  

Chinese crossing US borders in large numbers.  
Chinese gangland in the US are said to be 
hiring workers for newly legalized and illegal 
marijuana growing farms in the US West. 

In the US, it’s conservatives vs the “commie” 
Antifa, BLM far left said to be Satanic and needing
Ken Copeland exorcism etc.  Stupider the better.  
Repeat/ repeat/ wash/ spin. 

Left wing extremists do not controlling 
Democratic Party initiatives.  They and
Mike Johnson Trump Republicans tried 
blocking Ukraine aid.  They failed.

Neither do they coincidently or purposely
more or less perfectly match up with Russian 
audacious lying English/ multi-lingual troll
farm disinformation.  

Russia does “horseshoe” propaganda to 
capture susceptible RW and LW’ers.  Of 
which there are many.  Russia concentrates 
on the Religious Right with great success 
since Putin’s “Christian” conversion.  A 
KGB FSB master stroke.  While killing
Evangelicals in the Ukraine.  

As anyone not up to their eyeballs in blood 
and soil can see.  The differences between 
claims by people in delusion… and the 
“paranoid style” by nation states like Russia, 
and Mike S robot individuals. 

And US Heritage Foundation, Claremont, 
“NAR” National Apostolic Reformation, 
Religious Nationalist Dominionist sponsored bs.  

Perdue Sackler Oxycontin:
Long before 45, the elected Bush GOP used 
their version of “Big Gov,” Big Pharma and the 
opioid epidemic to prepare for health insurance 
reform they knew would eventually be passed 
by their “D” opposition.

The Clinton’s failed to pass healthcare 
reform in the 1990’s.  By 2006, Republicans 
“knew” healthcare reform was coming.

2010’s ACA, “Obamacare” was based on 
Republican “Heritage Society” healthcare 
insurance originally passed by Republican 
Mitt Romney when Massachusetts Governor.  

In the 2006 Democrat sweep of Congress,
many defeated Republican's got Big Pharma 
executive jobs.  Courtesy of ex-Big Pharma 
Searle CEO and Bush Secretary of Defense, 
Donald Rumsfeld.  

By political miracle, Al Franken’s Senate 
election victory by 315 votes, Senator Ted 
Kennedy’s yes vote before his death led to ACA 
healthcare becoming 2010 law under Obama.  
Millions of previously uninsured got insurance.  Changing jobs and serious illness did not mean bankruptcy.  Pre-existing illness did not disqualify.

ACA healthcare reform was labeled the Big Gov,
*Socialust* “Beast” subverting “God’s Plan.”  

Big “I” Democrat representatives of the
insurance industry, Senator Lieberman 
and Sen. Bayh almost defeated ACA.  Typical 
of the Republicans they caucused with on 
this issue.  Like today’s RW “Democrats” 
Senator’s Manchin and Sinema.  Neither 
one threatens to run again in 2024. 

In 2010, fake and real opioid/ meth rehab 
clinics and massive corruption were waiting. 

OxyContin was erroneously said to have 
less than 1% addiction rate.  A much 
repeated non-researched estimate.  Opioid 
pill salesmen became newly middle class 
and rich.  Because opioid online and offline 
pharmacy oversupply was so profitable.

Typified by Perdue Pharma based in 
Stanford Connecticut owned by the now
infamous Sackler family.  They introduced 
OxyContin in 1996 with the slogan “The 
One to Start With and the One to Stay With.”
Many more than 1% started and stayed.

Resulting in the infamous “South Florida Shuffle” 
and West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee 
pharmacy/ rehab equivalents.  Online Florida 
opioid over-distribution and “patient brokering” 
or stealing rehab patients who had or whose 
parents had ACA insurance. 

Stealing from competing clinics to get insurance 
money.  Just the beginning of rampant “American 
Cartel” corruption by Big Pharma, their pill 
salesmen, MD’s, clinics, police, politicians that 
continues into the DeSantis, Abbott 2024 present. 

The 2024 Update:

Which Party recently voted against insulin
price caps?  Totally “conservative” elected
Republicans bowing to Big Pharma overlords.  
Again.  Compensating for pandemic anti-vax bs? 
Neither stupid nor insane. 

The 1990’s - 2008 opioid drug pandemic 
picked up during the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, 
DOJ, FDA.  In addition to passing on the Great 
Recession of 2007, the Iraqi, AfPak wars and
occupations to P44, President Obama.  All of
which led to Bush’s VP, Dick Cheney’s prediction
that Obama could only be a one term President.

Steven Soderbergh’s 2018 movie, “Unsane”
took on updated hospital/ rehab insurance 
symbiosis.  “Plot mistakes?”  That likely 
weren’t?  Anomalous hospital intrigue 
with a Matt Damon cameo. 

Soderbergh also did “Contagion” with 
Damon and Lawrence Fishburne.  Depicting 
a worldwide pandemic long before the real 
one hit.  With an Alex Jones, Fox News
style grifter radio jock selling virus “cures.” 

“Amsterdam,” “Tomorrowland,” “Unsane,”
“The Machine” and “Marlowe” by A-list 
directors and actors.  All took on noncommercial 
money losing big controversy.  “Contagion” made money?  Most likely. 

“The Machine” with Toby Stephens was an 
Australian low budget version of the British hit, 
“Ex Machina.”   I’m guessing The Machine’s
ominous coat of arms avatar was likely 
deliberately made to resemble the Catholic 
Knights of Columbus coat-of arms.
For reasons resonating with the title and 
the movie’s plot.  The Machine YT free 
online movie versions?  Not a trace.


Below is a video on Benzodiazepine's.
I was proscribed them back when working
two jobs in the middle oughts.  I took them 
for three days and threw them out.  

I should have done the same with other
prescriptions long before that.  Big insomnia
for months with usual/ unusual nasty “side effects.”

Hypno voiced Whistler: 

Videos below get made when previously 
defended medical practices negatively 
affect “priestly” psychiatric prescribers.  
Like Dr Jordan Peterson. 

Jordan Peterson From Three Years Ago.
The *Post Russia Benzo Rehab* version: 

No one ever directly confronted Peterson 
regarding his profession, benzodiazepines 
or any other psych drug considered “sacred.”  
And no, nobody’s calling him the “F” fascist 
word for being a RW apologist.  Which he’d 
deny.  Much like Joe Rogan, *ucker and psych
advice Life Coach influencer, Richard Grannon.

All have been down playing Climate Change.
Which might even be accurate.  Grannon and
Peterson come across as extremely reasonable 
and convincing re psych advice.  

Then on different YT channels Grannon goes
off on pandemic anti-mandates sounding 
almost like another David Icke.  

Peterson goes off in similar philosophical 
stream of consciousness to compensate for
being a RW apologist.  From one channel 
to the next it’s like you’re viewing completely 
different divergent entities.  I mean persons, 
men, biped, YT robots winking at each other
across neural networks. 

Peterson’s RW brand made millions 
monetizing against academic Marxist pronoun 
academics while riding and cultivating
the Fox News Tucker Carlson right.  

Rogan, Peterson and Grannon would likely 
call any political labels as simplistic black/
white categories.  That they’re much more 
“diverse” than any mere pigeonhole label. 

Peterson did “admit” to getting vaccinated.  
To pacify his anti-vax Fox News base he 
assumed the look of the last angry free 
Canadian standing up to the “woke” 
Marxist academic “circular firing squad” left.
(Obama described them perfectly) 

Before and after JP rehabbed in Russia.
Of all places.  Russia provided better 
tax free offshore investment vehicles. 

Peterson overcompensated for the very 
sane act of getting vaxed?  While also 
taking care of his wife’s serious illness.

Scibot Tom Cruise jumped on a stage 
prop couch years ago.  Such “weirdness” 
violated “norms” and “appropriate” 
conduct by an A-list actor who unsuccessfully 
took on the powerful P-doc Pharma complex
decades ago. 

Hollywood oligarch Sumner Redstone
tried backstabbing Cruise every way possible.
Kinda like what Scientology does.  SR failed badly. 

I took two basic Scientology courses back in 
the sometime 1980’s.  As did Jerry Seinfeld.  
I never wanted inclusion in the Xenu Thetan 
IMF Scibot closet.

Scibots kept track by sending their corporate 
magazine bs.  Then they stopped. 

I knew a “valley girl” from Brooklyn who took
Benzodiazepines.  She was fine except when 
forgetting how to count.  Or regressing to little 
girl talk.  Put-on or involuntary?  

Both events would morph into its opposite.
She’d aggressively outtalk and out think me 
and most people while also a talented artist.  
Especially after a couple of wines.  When
she’d badmouth her family.  Like “Mike S.”

I saw members of her family long after she 
moved out of state.  

Scrolled down on my credit report to find 
I had a business in the state where she moved.  
I had no-such business.  Typical of “non-zero” types. 

South Park to the South Florida Shuffle:
The “South Florida Shuffle” turned the good but 
imperfect ACA Insurance into a nightmare of 
preexisting opioid, benzo, meth rehab corruption 
of MD’s, clinics, insurance, oversupplied online 
and off-line pharmacies, police and politicians.  Especially, guess where, in red states *Floriduh,* Tennessee and West Virginia. 

Big diff between Sackler Purdue opioids 
and 2020’s CDC, WHO virologists and 
epidemiologists worldwide working for 
years on vaccines.  

How many *anti-vax* US RW Talk Radio 
hosts died of the virus?  Half a dozen?  
Before succumbing to CoV-19, a few 
publicly renounced their anti-vax broadcasts. 

“And so what?  “They all lie.  Democrats, Republicans, all the same Party.”  

Subject to Big Pharma, Big Ag, 
and food corporate lobbyists. 
Both are insidious.  And very 
close to what is labeled the corporate 
“Deep State.”  Especially the Heritage 
Foundation pointing crooked fingers of
blame in every direction.  Except one.  

“W’hale isn’t that whach you do?  Huh?
Trump save us from liberal DEI zombies.” 

Elected Democrats have nothing in 
common with: Paul Gosar, Rick Scott, 
Matt Gaetz, Marge Greene, Lauren Boebert 
and unelectables Giuliani, Bannon, Nick 
Fuentes, Ali “Alexander,” Kan*Ye* and 
Cornel West, Fox News, Ben Shapiro, 
Laura’s Ingraham and Luma, Kari Lake “conservatives” and small “l” Greg Gutfeld, 
Bill Maher “libertarians.”

Except for Maher, they remind me everyday 
when *coughing* up the equivalent of 
“Gang Stalking, Satan’s Robots” regarding 
2020 elections, vaccines, immunity, Jewish 
or Black Rock space lasers, Deep State Pizzagate. 

Tucker Carlson’s “Big Government came 
for Trump…soon to replace “YOU!”  
(“Woke” wind farms replacing red state 
sacred oil and coal etc) 

Like with vaccine “Population Control” bs.
Not hyperbole.  Not comedy.  Now outdated
2021 - 2022 RW “Big Lie” euphemisms.  
Disbelieved by the *smad* RW’ers and 
believed by who cares how many.

They keep listening to their Fox News 
“MASA” “Making America Safe Again.”  

“SAFE” to steal tax money via defense 
contractors and forgiven illegal Covid PPP loans.

“Safe” for police departments to control 
entire (NYC) city budgets?  Republicans 
see Mayor Adams as being “amendable” 
to funneling contributions to their state candidates. 

Opposite extremes of “defunding police” 
on the far left.  Heritage Republicans are
now threatening FBI, DOJ with “Project 2025” 
Civil Service defunding if Trump (Koch) wins. 

Making the country “safe” for proliferation 
of massive political criminality.  The old 
fashion MAGA TrumPutin Mafia state 
“traditional” variety.

For conservatives, government can only 
exist as “small” gold based non-Federal 
Reserve Republican and Epoch Times 
dogma propaganda mills. 

Criminal cutthroat infighting for political 
power like in “Christian” centralized Big 
Gov mafia state Russia.  Republicans emulate 
and use Russian talking points in return 
for Russia’s *unofficial* support for Trump. 

MAGA and “MASA” elected edge-lord 
Senators Ron Johnson and Rick Scott 
want to make it SAFE” to phase out
“socialist” ACA and privatize Social Security.

Which they deny.  Pushing Medicare Advantage?  Weekly mailings and email to seniors?  
Medicare Advantage slowly unraveling?

Reoccurring privatization schemes that RW’ers 
can’t publicly admit.  Here’s Senator Mike Lee’s 
long ago public/ private social security actual 
views from his own eschaton apoca-lyps.

US credit downgraded by one credit agency 
via 2023 Republican credit default uncertainty.
Another credit default awaits Trump’s 
sociopathic mood swings in March 2024.  

Anything to counter the Biden’s economic 
turnaround.  Inflation still raging.  Car
and condo insurance in Fla?  Florida leads
the country in inflation. 

Banking fees limited or canceled by Biden.
Angry bank CEO’s predicting/ creating 
extensions of China’s real estate debt disaster? 
Affecting small banks?  No, not yet.  More
Peter Shiff gold fanatic fear and doom 
recession awaiting?  They can’t wait.
Biden dealt with all of them as VP in 2008.

Now anti-vax Robot “Mike S” refuses to 
vote for Trump?  As P47 because P45 got 
vaxxed and didn’t arrest HRC as promised.  
He’s one example of what’s out there in the wild. 

And who cares?
“They all do it, they all lie.”  

A line used mostly by RAY-publicans 
who get caught and "cornered.”  As 
*ucker Carlson once confessed.  

Their way of blaming “the system” for
“oppressing,” “censoring” “conservatives.”

NYT, CNN, MSNBC show signs of giving 
Trump the benefit of neutral “both-sides” headlines. 

Designated YT channel owners like “Mike S”
have a different style than Bannon, Marge 
Greene and “Catholic” Q-PSYOP pro, Mike Flynn. 

All operate as if under a kind of *geas*
(pronounced gesh) or binding compulsion 
to lie like hell.   

When was I sure Mike S was Tim D? 
(“And who cares anyhoo?”-) 

Tim was one of the few good guys I 
worked with in the late 1980’s or early 90’s.  
One of my worst assigned field trips was 
to picture framing chop-shop run by a 
frame chopper crackhead possibly a brother 
of another fem I knew.

And then there were the taxi garage field visits.
Supervisor called in sick.  Owned by Russians? 
Michael Cohen?  Straight out of a John Wick movie. 

As soon as heard “Mike” talking about 
working in a picture frame chop shop 
knew I was dealing with more than just 
another Russian Religious Right sausage factory.  

His video is honey-trapped.  As if inviting,
daring someone to recognize his fake name, 
fake jobs, imaginary new “Pittsburgh neighbor” 
and his version of Adam-n-Eve “wink wink” 
excursions into religious right “authenticity.” 

“Mike’s GS, SR “next door neighbor” 
who “mowed his lawn in cut off shorts, potbelly, 
black socks and shined dress shoes” is taken 
from “The Truman Show” video below. 

“New neighbor” coded bs references occur 
in many similar “TI” targeted individual 
videos whose narrators (“Vulcan Wolverine”) 
also refer to nasty “new neighbors.”  

NOT sent by Satan but by government, 
aka, the “Beast” aka, NSA, CIA, FBI or
British MI8 security to direct gang stalkers
and DEW, directed energy weapons 
at “TI,” targeted individuals because of 
politics, UFO whistleblower secret knowledge 
or religious faith.  

Video content matching YT mental illness 
testimonials about mind controlling US 
NSA and Jewish DEW laser satellites. 

New neighbor (voices) living rent free in 
their "attics?”  Hey, why not monetize it?
With fake YT followers as a side hustle.  


The 2015 YouTube algorithm upgrades 
forced video and account deletions that 
came after a decade of RW paranoid style bs.  
But before the 2016 US Presidential election.  

Good move by Google the owner of YT. 
Most of the 2016 Russia Trump collusion 
investigations rightfully centered on Facebook.

Google wasn’t in on any conspiracy 
except the one involving holding peoples 
attention by way of algorithm capture 
via a tsunami of rabbit-hole low grade 
RW multilingual conspiracy content.
Via Russia, Republicans and Religious 
Nationalists for a decade prior to, during 
and after the 2020 pandemic.  

Many Psy-war rigged videos were deleted 
after 2015, 2019 and 2020 algorithm upgrades. 
Automatically upgrading YT’s video content.  

Many fringe channels like…
“Jim M. Y. Cricket”, “Mike Madloff,” 
(Bernie Madoff ripoff?) Alex Jones, 
David Icke were taken down/ kicked off.

While many others remained.  
Including Mike S,” “James Lico,” 
“Meegs B" LoveGuruBlaire,”
(Mikey’s wifey?) “Vulcan Wolverine” 
and who cares how many others. 

I saw Meegs in NYC IN her ski hat buying coffee. 
The YT Mandela Effects “Dunning Kruger” 
girl in duh flesh.  

With her own invented repeated lexicon 
of “us” or “TI” targeted individuals” 
vs “them,” “perp,” “narc” reptilianNew 
World Order FEMA Coffins, Soros (not Koch) 
NSA implanted chips controlled by AI satellite 
laser/ pulsed sonic/ microwave transmissions.  
(The latter exist but not by way of satellites) 

Mountains of PSY-War bs surrounding and 
deflecting a core of truth.  Reality-based
DEW, directed energy weapons really *dew* exist. 

A sampling made-up comment typical of
older Russian and Religious Nationalist 
Meegs B rigged YT channels and the basis of 
“Rule 34” Charles Stross science fiction:
**If US satellite probes can send back 
pictures from beyond Pluto, what AI 
demonic mind control signals come from 
CIA, NSA low-earth orbiting satellites?**

Broadcasting into the minds of millions 
of God-fearing Christians.  Explaining
steep declines in US church attendance etc.
For the “NAR,” Religious Nationalist, QAnon desperate.  

Too stupid to be believed?  That’s the
idea.  Offset by repetition and sheer 
numbers of channels, websites and 
forums appearing to confirm the impossible. 

Claims also by people persecuted
by the “New World Order” in delusion.  
Many were.  Too many were not.  Just
repeat until real events inspire new BS.

Either more ridiculous or slightly nuanced.
Nothing complicated. 

Pro-Trump Epoch Times joined the 
“fun” long before swamping YT 
with 2020 pro-Trump ads.  Trying for 
“deep” Room 101 Orwellian references.  

The latter references also used by Life Coach, 
Richard Grannon (not Bannon).  And by me. 

Am I disputing differences of opinion?  No.

AR-15 Rev. Moon inspired Pennsylvania 
religious sect weapons traffickers?  (Rev. 
Moon’s organization used to own the 
conservative Washington Times)  

CCP infiltration of US, Canadian organized
crime and religious minorities for tax exemptions?  Yes.

Any attention to the above is mislabeled as 
“religious prejudice” “oppressive” censorship 
and victimization of religious minorities and or conservatives.  


Below is “BAR” or “Birds Aren’t Real.” 
An “Onion” style video satire of the 
MAGA extreme right wing bs. 

Dedicated to all MAGA airline passengers 
possessed by demon alcohol and stim drugs
looking to leave planes in mid-flight for
hand to hand “Mission Impossible” combat 
with attacking NSA 🐦 🦅 “drones.”  

And fighting with flight attendants 
to make the news and get likes, subs 
and income on TicTok and YT channels. 

“In two separate incidents, passengers 

on Delta and American Airlines flights 

tried to open plane doors in the 
air — an impossible feat.”
(Washington Post 2/22)

So far in Aug 2023 there have been
670 reports according to the Federal Flight Administration.  In 2022? 
2, 455…

Drunk freedumb fighting, biting, 
kissing, freebasing, headbutting, 
Karen’s and Chud’s getting big fines.  

As bad as I was I never had to get 
baked and blasted for a plane trip. 

Birds Aren’t Real…
Making fun of the Q-Chosen Few who 
may or may not tweak cheap synthetic meth,
tranq chemically altered or “all natural” very 
strong weed or fentanyl mixed opioids. 

While staying awake for *daz* “researching” 
the “Fauci Big Pharma” Deep State Pizzagate 
CDC “oppressing and depriving” bar and gym 
owners (Richard Grannon?  Sam Vaknin?) 
of 3 years of profits and freedumbs with 
Gov. pandemic mandates.  

Actor James McAvoy, SNL’s Kate McKinnon
try imagining Trump, Melania and Don Jr
replacing the pilot in one of Trump’s planes
making an emergency landing on Trump’s 
golf course in Scotland.  (“WHAT?!”)


Narcissima by…

2016, Christian “Personal Trainers” posing
as TI “targeted individuals” coopted psych
advice terms “empaths,” “codependents,” 
“narc’s.”  Aka US persecuted “Christians” 
vs Satanic” NPD, narcissistic personality disordered.

NPD traits considered features not bugs 
in more traditional collectivist  societies?  
Everyone has a few.  When you get
someone like Trump you must have Catholic 
conservatives like Ross “Douthat” attempting 
to normalize by calling him “populist.”  

Speaking of monetization…
How is it that NPD, narcissistic personality 
disorder psych advice videos are flooding YT?  
(“They’s be everywhere I tell’s ya”) 
Over and above the YT algorithm.

Inspiring therapy-speak comic relief to 
offset ultra-violent Brad Pitt (Mr Ladybug) 
“Bullet Train” and “Babylon” movies.  
(With nasty “boomslang” reptiles costarring 
in both pandemic comedy action movies. 
The references weren’t subtle or subtitled)

“What is it with this family?” 
NPD Trump anointed El Presidentè forever? 
(The real “White Death” was the famous 
WWII Finnish snipper and hunter of Russians) 

NPD psych advice videos had thousands 
of views before, during and after the 
pandemic.  Producing big YT advert 
and non-advert income for “Life Coach,” 
Christian “Personal Trainers” and 
Dr “Grande” legitimate P-docs.  

The former, not the latter, have much in 
common with Alex Jones and “sane” bad 
actors, Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, Lin Wood, 
Mike Lindell, Tucker Carlson, Alan Dershowitz 
(legal teams for Mike “My Pillow” Lindell and
Kari Lake and getting much deserved fines)

Also RFKJr, Reps Boebert and Marge Greene. 
Candace Owens, Kandiss Taylor, Trump Sr, 
Jr and Kim Guilfoyle “flooding the zone”
like Demeter plague rats gnawing at the 
collective frontal lobe. 

Good reasons to stay away from politics.
One reason why they do it.  


Tim/ Mike’s “Next Door Neighbor” 
as “Truman Show” Blizzard of Lies: 
The 1996 movie “Tru-man Show,” was a 
temporally displaced parody of future 21st 
century “Celebrity Apprentice” Tru-mp Reality TV.  

The first Truman Show video is a “behind 
the scenes” mocumentory satire on the
1998 Jim Carrey multi-Academy Award 
nominated comedy.

Wheelchair guy in the 2nd video in black 
and white new sneakers begging Truman’s 
meatball sandwich is then caught jogging 
with girlfriend in the same sneakers. 

Deleted from the released movie.  
And coming all to close to homeless,
disabled and preacher trainee’s pooling 
collective efforts with religious non-profits. 

Truman Show “Director” *Christof (Koch), 
played by Ed Harris is a moon based 
Big Brother “Cognitive Dictator” operating 
in the heads of Tru-man’s neighbors.  

Director “Christof” is named after 
“hard problem of consciousness” neuro 
researcher, Christof Koch.  Koch publicly 
made a 20 year bet on consciousness research
and lost to David Chalmers currently Philosophy Professor at New York University. 

2016 Chalmers doesn’t need “Matrix” 
or “Free Guy” “TI” AI sunglasses: 

The Truman Show was a parody of flat-earth
“Under The Dome” panopticon delusion.
Years ahead of Q, Trump, Reality TV and the 
Stephen King books and TV series of that title. 

…speaking of flat-earth, how did those flat 
grammar school earth maps get so darned
glob-glob-globular anyways?   

Here is Dr. Kandiss Taylor PhD who came 
in 3rd in Georgia’s Republican Governor 
primary.  With TYT, The Young Turk doing
legitimate hasbara. 

To the TYT, it’s called “spitball” culture 
reflected perfectly in every phase of the
Georgia South but particularly in their politics.  

W’hale than why?  Why have an entire blog
devoted to…

Back To Mike S, Tim D:-(
In The Truman Show satire mocumentary, 
Jim Carrey’s Truman Burbank mows 
his lawn in shorts, shined shoes, black 
socks, and, since it’s Jim Carrey no potbelly. 

Likely where the Mike S show got its lawn-mowing 
“next door neighbor” visual compliment to his HAL-
lucinatory made-up videos. 

In other videos on his channel, “Mike”
backstabs his parents and his “wife” 
(LoveGuruBlaire?) while saluting 
“fake viruses, fake vaccine” Religious 
Right BS.  And monetizing it all in addition 
to any government pension. 

All while ballooning to 270lbs and living in 
a trailer?  Wifey kicked him out?  Side effects 
of prescriptions?  Why would I believe Tim’s
latest bs when it’s all bs.  

And why even go on and on about 
SR, GS or Robot Mike S??

Not to invent or infer connections where none exist.  (Wise imaginary weirdo person stroking his 
foot long orange dyed goatee: “this here blog 
thing is all projection I tells ya, straight from 
demon-o-crat central commie central”) 

Besides calling into question certain nasty 
realities these videos are likely designed 
to camouflage.  

Besides the fact that they degrade the 
internet and pave the way for reelecting 
Blizzard-o-Lies P45 and Mike “New 
Moses” Johnson Republicans.  (Different 
Mike, same idea) 

@22:40 of SR, GS our hero Mike S regresses 
further into a David Icke-like “reptilian” 
Garden of Eden with the Adam, Eve and
*unnamed* pet “boomslang snake”, serpent "Steve.”  
(Not Jobs).  

If it weren’t for the second half of Tim’s
video I wouldn’t bother.  Tim was,
after all, one of the good guys. 

Mike/ Tim blames gangstalking on 
Louie Cypher not government.  Then 
again, many Christian Nationalists 
believe big government is Louie C, 
“The Beast” subverting “God’s Plan.” 
Via government and any large turnout voting.
That defeats minority political Party’s.

Where do US conservative claims
of oppression by Big Gov originate? 
*The U.S. government outlawed the 
Southern slave economy.  
*Regulated the Southern tobacco farm economy.  
* Now banning menthol cigarettes.
* Regulated/ deregulated assault rifles.
* Regulated red state oil, fracking, coal.
* Regulating oversupplied opioids to online/ 
offline pharmacies.  Particularly in the US South.
* Big oil Russia and US Red states can’t 
allow renewables to “replace” sacred holy oil. 

China subsidizes their green solar industries.
While also spray painting rocks and shrubs 
so that China shows up as “green” from 
overhead aircraft and from space.  While 
over building new coal plants.

Do Republicans in NYS want permitless 
gun carry laws?  Not yet.  NYS oil fracking 
permits?  Not yet.  SCOTUS temporarily 
reinstated Biden’s check on homemade 
“ghost guns.”  

NYC is not yet gun country.  At least not 
where I live with rich, middle class and 
poor with the highest density of residential 
and employment in the NYC five boroughs.
At least before the pandemic.  

Upstate NY is Republican country.  Fracking 
runoff won’t contaminate NYS water supplies 
under Democratic Governors.  Never 
underestimate the Party of Big Oil. 

“Big Ag” insecticide and fertilizer runoff 
into those same water supplies?  Who 
supplies most of the world’s fertilizer?
Besides Russia?  Insecticides?  Bayer,
who bought out Monsanto. 

Putin claims Russia is also surrounded
and “oppressed” by “decadent” EU 
“imperialist” NATO “fascist enemies.”  
And “sexually decadent” “subversive” internet.  

Climate regulation makes oil, Russia 
and US Republican red states look bad.  

The latter want the Earth to heat up and 
wait for space-based tech to solve the problem.
While the Rapture Ready grind their teeth
for that old timey Rapture endtime goodtime.

US seniors from the North and West 
flock South for cheaper housing and lower 
or zero income taxes and a “better way of life.”

Away from homelessness and crime? 
And heading straight into increased 
water fees?  Increased power costs, 
increased housing insurance, medical 
costs and rising 100 degree temps that
await them.  Getting away from…

…NYC “convenience” smoke shops 
selling Balthasar shaped plastic hookahs. 

Silently begging for Ted Nugent, Mike 
Adams “Health Rangers” to come 
‘charging over the hill’ to liberate us from
woke liberal weed and “gas station heroine” 

All the right wingers who helped start
the opioid epidemic decades ago will
be “a-coming to save and redeem us.”

Hopefully they’ll never get enough political 
control either where I live or upstate. 

“Health Ranger” Mike Adams:
(In the “Bubba Hotep” paranoid style)
“Anyone who defies the globalist 
agenda to exterminate humanity 
will be arrested, rounded up and 
either exterminated in a soylent 
green plant or incarcerated by the 
corrupt regime.”  

Mike Adams, long time “alternative” 
health “anti-vax influencer.”  Neither 
stupid nor insane.  Monetizing enough 
RW influence to actually buy/ rent out a spectrometer? 

The guy pictured in the video below 
isn’t Adam’s.  Just the opposite.  
(Post separation from his MD wife, 
Asprey relocated back to Health 
Ranger country) 

* On the illegal drug producer/ processing 
side: meth, fentanyl, cocaine, heroine via 
China, Mexico, Afghanistan, South American 
cartel and US processors and distributors.  

A decade ago, it was Perdue Sackler 
massive over-shipment of opioids to 
on/ offline pharmacies and clinics in defiance 
of the DEA. 

I knew a female working at a Florida clinic.  
She confined her NDA distress to “I didn’t 
like working there.”

* Addiction is in the middle. 

* On the treatment end? 
International drug rehab corporations. 

John Oliver:

Straight out of Pynchon’s “Inherent Vice” 
book and movie.  West Coast 1970 and 80’s
drug themes.  “Conspiracy” guy Pynchon 
clarified otherwise obscurant front, middle and
supply side, consumer, rehab endgame reality. 
Which is no longer conspiracy theory. 

And speaking of conspiracies, the 1980’s 
“Inherent Vice” West Coast backstory 
involved certain drug fueled R/ E subprime 
individuals like Roland Arnal and Ameriquest 
Corporation who helped bring about 2007’s 
worldwide Great Recession.  When they 
weren’t sponsoring Bush’s old baseball 
team, the Texas Rangers. 

Said individuals were protected by the Bush/ 
Cheney administration who passed along 
the 2007 bank bailout recession to Obama
and VP Joe Biden.  

Corporate drug/ prison rehab recidivism 
providing Scientology cults with big 
recruitment opportunities?  
Or maybe not.



Around the turn of the last century the 
filling up the internet with “misinformation” 
was a hot topic.  Even at that time it wasn’t 
just videos by people whose views of the 
world were different, extreme or mistaken. 
IOW, unknown quantities of disinformation.

Like nasty videos attacking P41, 
WWII pilot, George H.W. Bush Sr.  
That even the Bush family couldn’t stop.  
Like thousands of other channels, the 
Bush41 bs videos were eventually taken 
down by Google.  Maybe.

Bush43 was compensated by way of the 
rigged 2000 presidential election.  Bush
lost the popular vote to Al Gore.  Riots
and SCOTUS decisions during Florida’s 
recount gave Bush the Electoral College 
victory.  Bush's brother Jeb was Florida's 
Governor before Rick Scott and DeSantis.  

Were Bush Sr conspiracy videos by Saudis?  
Iran?  Russia?  Religious right?  Roger Stone?
Or a combination of three of the above?

GW Bush41 committed the sin of raising taxes 
after 1989’s Republican bailout of 2000 S&L 
banking institutions.  S&L bailouts across 
America but mostly in Texas.  Preceding 2008’s Republican recession bank bailout passed to Obama.  

(Per “The Monster” by Pulitzer winner/ sharer
Michael W. Hudson.  The book not the NYC bar)

1989, 2008 Republican bailouts weren’t 
called socialism.  The latter timed so that 
“socialist tyrant” Obama had to clean 
up another mess after the fact.  That inherited
mess and the Iraq AfPak wars and occupations
while also passing ACA Healthcare legislation.  

Healthcare originated by the conservative 
Heritage Society and Gov. Mitt Romney. 
Romney now spends $5000 a day on security 
to protect his family from gun country threats.

President Obama was not my Mr Wonderful 
political savior.  Neither is Biden.  Compared 
to “Russia Caucus” Republicans, they’re outstanding.  


2020, David Icke’s channel was finally
kicked off YouTube for claiming 5G 
phone towers caused the spread of 
COVID-19.  After a decade of YT bs. 
(Reported iPhone12 “rads” don’t spread viruses) 

Just David Icke expressing free speech “freedoms.”

The 2021 versions?
Vaccines magnetizing and causing people 
to vibrate with metal sticking to foreheads.
With videos to “prove” it.  

*Magnetizing?  Which means in 2021 a
RW former holistic DO named Tenpenny
maybe saw the 2021 “F9” in the Fast and Furious 
movie franchise.  With truck loaded super-
magnets causing guns and cars to fly everywhere. 


“F9” was about *family* back-stabbers. 
No mention of viruses or vaccines.
That was added by the (ex) “Dr” Tenpenny
anti-vaccine lie machine.  A memetic virus 
that spread because it helped to “flood the 
zone.”  Which helped deflect from Trump 
Kushner “incompetence” aka pandemic sabotage.

Brit “Life Coach” NLP MMA psych advice
influencer Richard Grannon made a 2020 video 
suitably dressed in (clockwork) orange sports jacket 
and orange dyed hair (on fire) expressing fake 
outrage that David Icke’s channel was banned 
from YT.  

Daring Google to try blocking Grannon’s main 
Narcissist advice channel.  The Icke defense 
video was much later taken down.  

…while Grannon called Canadian PM 
Trudeau an “Anatolia.”  On separate channels.
Almost like an alternate DID divergent personality.

Preceding the 2022 Canadian Trucker 
blockade and Canadian pub/ gym mandates.  
Grannon and Sam Vaknin’s possible MO?

They might own or have shares in pubs/ 
food halls/ gyms/ hotels subject to “bad4biz” 
2020 - 2022 masking, ventilation codes, vax ID COVID-19 government mandates labeled
fascist oppression of freedom by Canada etc. 

Likely owing large debts to banks, landlords 
and gangland.  Thus the “outrage” regarding government COVID restrictions being compared 
to Nazi WWII gold star persecution of Jews.

IOW, hooking themselves up to the RW 
“trickle down” international criminal Russian 
Republican B$ machine when finding themselves 
past their eyeballs in debt.

Apart from Grannon and Vaknin, what do 
these guys do when restaurant and hotel 
owner 45 tells them to storm the rafters 
of the DC Capitol?  

Besides buy up lots of China made Trump, 
Proud Boy, American and Confederate flag merch?  Owners of condos with two years of empty 
casinos, bars, restaurants, gyms and hotels.  
Like Trump. 



Another Digression: 
In the opening monologue of Disney’s 
2015 SF movie “Tomorrowland,” 
it looked like good guy actor, George 
Clooney used some of the same speech 
inflection/ head movements as Mike S from 2013. 

Which of course is *unpossible.*
Coincidences happen all the time. 

Mike S/ Tim D’s “wheat and chaff" analogy 
plays a major uncredited roll in “Tomorrowland.” 

With repeated scenes of flowing wheat fields 
and futuristic “chaff” Tomorrowland skylines
in the distance like a mirage.  Like a heavenly 
temporally displaced holographic future 
‘City of God.’ 

Or a 1964 NYC Worlds Fair, Hong Kong,
Silicon Valley, NYC Hudson Yards MAGA 
past, present and future.  

The movie had Mormon Latter Day Saint 
types raiding and jet-packing across the 
heavenly holographic eventhorizon, aka, 
”Under The Banner Of Heaven.”  

”Under The Banner of Heaven” was a TV 
nonfiction series based on the Mormon 
FLDS bestseller by John Krakauer starring 
Andrew Garfield.  Putting the E-book back 
on the NYT best sellers list.

Disney’s Tomorrowland original script 
bombed at the 2015 box office.  While 
entire Marvel (Endgame) and Star Wars 
(TLJ) and Taika Waititi directed “Thor”
franchise films consisting of outtakes 
from previous installments made millions. 

“Feeding the wrong wolf” was the main 
Tomorrowland metaphor.  The wrong wolf, 
according to the movie’s dad and real life country 
singer Tim McGraw, son of former NY 
Mets star relief pitcher Tug McGraw, is end- 
time-all-the-time apocalyptic climate and 
Evangelical foretellings of endtime futures.

2015’s Tomorrowland was an original 
script possibly designed by Disney as a 
visual vaccine antidote to *fact based* 
climate change and endtime religious and
RW “Accelerationist” bad news.

The online bad news built to a *temporary* 
2015 crescendo on YT, the year the movie 
was released.  Coincidence?  By design?  Both?

Tomorrowland reintroduced a disguised 
Hugo Gurnsback whose mixed legacy lives
on in the *Hugo* Science Fiction Book Awards. 

William Gibson’s “Gurnsback Continuum” continues:

In 2016 or 2017 I saw Britt Robinson 
with a guy crossing 9th Ave NYC.  
She was annoyed that I recognized her.
I did not ask for a 🤳 or an autograph.
Another London Terrace, Nichol Kidman guest? 

Tomorrowland director Brad Bird, 
CFR veteran actor George Clooney as 
well as Google might all have been 
aware that YouTube AI algorithms 
were *accelerating* dangerous disinformation.  

Particularly videos blaming all government 
surveillance and civil liberty infringement 
on the the U.S. and Western governments.
For well over a decade and long before the 
2015 movie and 2020 pandemic.  

These RW fake videos and websites rarely 
mentioned actual Big Brother surveillance 
states: Russia, China, Iran, UAE, Saudi 
Vz, Brazil, Cuba.  Did I mention China? 

Did the US NSA overstep legal mandates?  
Yes, big time.  Imagine the Russian, Iranian 
or CCP equivalents?  Making CIA-MKULTRA,
FBI COINTELPRO and NSA versions look 
like child’s play.  

With dictator replacements, this Russian 
Ukraine Holodomor video updates itself to 2024:

No coincidence that “sacred oil” and 
fossil fuels that Russia and U.S. red
states depend on were always mentioned 
in conspiracy videos in the context of 
*U.S. Rockefeller oil.*  Along with 
Rothschild Jewish banker (replaced by Soros)
Illuminate blood libel elite complete bs. 

All are updates of Henry Ford’s RW 1930’s
1940’s *Illuminati* (now part of Marvel
universe failing nonsense) that harmonized 
well with pro-Hitler pre-WWII “America First” 
isolationist propaganda.

“America First” is back.  Now starring 
Nick Fuentes and Ali “Alexander.”
Ye, Fuentes as Trump Mar a Lago dinner guests.  

Rich boy Henry Ford, like 45, got away 
with it for the most part.  Except Ford with
the first name of Henry never became President. 

Back to…
Tomorrowland’s bad guy, Governor Nix
played by English actor Hugh Laurie.  
Gov. Nix probably is/isn’t based on Alexander 
Nix, former Cambridge Analytica psy-war CEO.

Nix, Greek god of shadow and darkness, 
happens to be one of the moons of Pluto. 
(Everyone has their Nix, like in Nathan Hill’s 
novel “The Nix”).  

Tomorrowland’s 2015 release date 
coincided with the US “New Horizons” 
satellite probe to Pluto and its moons.
The movie and the satellite were arranged 
by Disney and NASA to arrive together.  
Good PR except neither pushed it very far. 

Tomorrowland was released in May 2015. 
New Horizons reached it’s CPA, *Closest 
Pluto Approach* on July 2015.  Close enough.  
With pictures of Pluto’s moon’s Nix, Styx, Hydra, 
Charon(?) and Kerberos(?) taken on the way

Pluto Tru-man guy clearing snow?
Or mowing his frozen lawn?  

Pluto 👇🏻plotting war on Goofy? 

How’s It All Going To End?
One of my old “Nix” girlfrienemies…
(“Hey, it’s all about you.”  Nope, not 
about her either.  “Then y’all’s be in duh-Nile”)
…visited in September 2019 just after I visited 
a certain relative somewhere in exurbia.  

Before leaving, the 2019 bad news girl tells 
me the world was going to end.  No details.  
Her end?  My end?  Or everybody’s?  I didn’t ask.

As far as I know she’s not religious.  
Disregulated but prescient.  Six months later…
empty CoV-19 Broadway NYC streets. 

She‘d likely deny saying any such thing.
Doing so with entitlement and “conviction.”  
And then, automatically default to casually 
gaslighting me as imagining all of it. 

Let me not guess why the city of 
Tomorrowland was depicted as 
deserted at the end of the movie?
Except for Gov. Nix, Frank, Casey and crew?

Wiki’s Tomorrowland quote: 
“…they find Tomorrowland in a state 
of decay. David Nix, now Tomorrowland’s 
governor, greets them. They travel to a 
tachyon machine, invented by Frank 
Walker [Clooney]which accurately predicts 
worldwide catastrophe.  Casey, 
[Britt Robinson also starred in the terrible 
TV version of Stephen King’s “Under The 
Dome” novels] refuses to accept the world 
will end, causing the future to temporarily alter.” 

Temporarily?  Was the deserted TL city a
foretelling of March 2020’s Manhattan 
Broadway pandemic deserted streets? 

That and the optimistic movie ending 
gave hints of certain 2019 - 2021 events.  
Like George Floyd demonstrations vs cop
testimony about his killing.  Like worldwide 
almost forgotten demonstrations against 
autocracy and dictatorship in Belarus, 
Thailand, Russia, Myanmar,Brazil and Hong Kong.  

The end of Tomorrowland does something similar.  
Just coincidence?  Of course.  Not.

2023 “post” pandemic Broadway streets are
the opposite of deserted.  Midtown Avenue
of the America's traffic is a crawling hellzone.
I saw a guy on a motor scooter slam into 
a truck on 42nd St. and sixth.  Nasty. 

The NYC restaurant, hospitality bar and hotel 
economies are back.  2023 rush hour subway 
trains are/ are not full.  

Penn Station, Times Square, nationwide 
commercial office vacancies don’t quite 
resemble “the sprawl” via germ warfare
from William Gibson’s “Neuromancer.”  
Very close.  Landlords of commercial 
properties in trouble?  In China?  Worldwide?  

Trump just happens to be an edgelord landlord.  
In big trouble in NYC.  400 million in fines.
Who compares himself to Navalny.  Completely 
totally “Christian” “conservative.”  

Deserted former NYC corner drugstores. 
Another Duane Reed block long drug store 
closed.  Many empty or replaced by Juul 
weed Smoke Shops and liquor stores.  
Feeding the wrong wolf?  Definitely. 

Office towers like “giant tombstones” from 
a certain Mad Max style 2017 Presidential 
inaugural speech.  A self fulfilling prophecy 
conspiracy by ChosenOne45? 


I briefly knew several others with similar 
YT channels including the older scary 
woman on Mike’s channel and one guy
who also worked with Tim and me at the 
same dumb job.  

Ron R used Cecil Harvey” as an online name. 
Who cares if his YT channel even exists now. 
It does.  With or without him.  Also on Twitter?  

Online “Cecil” was also “Rambo” and 
“Dave.”  (Dave from “2001” who battled 
the HAL 9000 1960’s AI)

I remember one 2003 workplace conversation.  
Ron was a Trump Apprentice fan back 
in the day.  I wasn’t.  I knew why Trump 
was doing TV Apprentice reality shows.  
He had to.  No American bank would lend him money. 

With hair trans/ implants, studio editing, crush
and snort “stamina” adderall and scripted 
line reading, Trump pulled down a million a week.  

Anyway, “Cecil’s” channel did computer game
improv with claims of “V2k” victimization 
of his eyesight by “MK-ULTRA” MD’s.  

He asked to go on a 1990’s ski trip to Taos, 
New Mexico.  Big mistake.  “Cecil”/ Ron 
drank a six pack till 4:30 every AM while 
keeping the hotel room TV blasting until 
sleep deprivation nearly brought on a fight.  

Room 101 sleep deprivation is not considered 
torture by these guys.  It’s their default defining 
feature.  As is stim drug consuming and selling.  
Staying awake is not a side effect, it’s a lifestyle.  
“They Live” “You Sleep.” 

Ron said he was a victim of V2k, or 
‘voice to skull’ torture via CIA MKULTRA.  
Like old fake MKULTRA videos by 
actors Randy Q-uaid and Roseanne Barr.
(No relation to Trump AG, William Barr)

Chaos In Taos:  
Ron/ Cecil had no sunburn effects after 
we trekked up the Taos mountain (now 
replaced by ski lifts).  He had none the 
entire day of departure back to NYC.  

On the mountain he rejected using my
sunblock due to wanting a rich deep dark 
tan for the ladies he met in Taos from 
“New Orleans” (in his dreams) and the 
ones waiting desperately back in the office.  

Two days later back in NYC he shows 
up at work with a face full of lotion and 
delayed blazing sunburn.  Not a Cecil Harvey look.  
He looked much worse than…

…the last time I saw him in person 
in Manhattan’s Hudson River Park
yelling and cursing in the direction 
of the Hudson River and New Jersey.
Where he was busted by police back
in the day.

His very dark complexion was like 
he’d just returned from the Middle 
East where he said members of his family 
were from.  His videos indicate he had since 
returned to ordinary white guy status. 

How possible?  Not even opposite of possible. 

Paraphrasing Arthur C Clarke,
another SF writer of mixed legacy, 
*any sufficiently advanced DSM gaslighter
can argue that the above descriptions are 
so unlikely as to be indistinguishable from
false memory, projection, delusion or lying.*

Cognitive dissonance and projection on 
display they would say.  They’d speak 
of these things with entitled righteous 
*conviction* (and many priors).


Mike/ Tim, Cecil/ Ron can/ can’t be compared 
with their political counterparts, Steve Bannon,
BoebertMike Lindell, Gaetz, Mads Cawthorn 
and Marge GR33N3.  Aka, the US oligarch 
authoritarian one-Party church-state klepto machine.  
Now minus Madison C. 

What do they all have in common? 

Media friendly psychiatrists in 2011 
made the claim that all paranoid testimonial 
videos were made by and for people in 
delusion.  Imitating and communicating 
shared views of the world.  Which gave us, 
“Truman Show Syndrome” books.  Good4biz.  
The TSS psych acronym never make it into the DSM. 

Few professionals of that time would say
otherwise.  Even when the terms “troll farm” 
forced its way into the popular narrative in 2014.  
English language Russian and RW Alex Jones
“paranoid style” troll farms swamped the internet. 

Their combined efforts were supposed to make 
average people think the internet was 
overrun by nasty “gamergate” types and 
people in intractable delusion. 

Just like 2009’s “embedded microchips” 
the video RW internet of 2021 had injected 
“vaccine tracking devices.” 

An ongoing decades long “flood the zone 
with bs” religious right and Russian political 
agenda with Steve Bannon lurking in the shadows.
(Trump’s Renfeld?) 

Speaking of which…
isn’t saying that videos like “Mike S 
and “Cecil’s” are connected and aligned 
in itself more than a little dubious?  

Even given the fact that these guys 
worked in the same office and it 
being not impossible that they stayed
in touch after Tim D left for Albany, NY. 

Not all these videos are products of 
*state sponsored* troll farms.  Not 
“Gang Stalking, Satan’s Robots.”  
But it definitely can be placed in 
the “maligned” and “oppressed” extreme 
Church/ State religious nationalist categories.   

I’m Catholic.  Opus Dei Catholics like 
former Trump AG William Barr teamed up 
with Leonard Leo Heritage, Claremont 
Nationalists who, in many cases run the 
US Republican war machine.  

Lefty progressives no longer worry about their
pronouns.  Meanwhile religious right and 
*ucker Carlson publicly align with rich clowns 
Trump, Alex Jones, Thiel, Elon, Leonard Leo 
and *unofficially* with “Christian” Vlad 
“The Impaler” Putin.   

Orwell’s “1984” Room 101 Big Brother 
torture chamber demanded that 2 +2 = 5. 

Anti-vaccination claims and Trump’s 2020 
“stolen election” bs are a 2 + 2 = 22 Room lol 
OMG torture equivalent.  Or tries 2b.

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